GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 1985

Also, what the hell does this even mean? Why do I have to think OtG is the best thing since sliced bread when Mark had clearly done much better? His composition on albums like The Deluge, Spiral Castle, Courts of Chaos, etc. was just more refined and generally exciting.

no need to get defensive lol it wasn't a criticism, OtG didn't even make my list. i just think THE DELUGE is a little more in line with your general tastes in metal (inc. most of the bands you listed in that post), definitely more streamlined and riffy and 'exciting' than OtG but i don't think OtG is aiming for that so much, it's more of a deliberately drawn out evocative/atmospheric/epic thing overall.
don't get how anyone can think Omen is standing the test of time or that tracks 3 and 4 don't kill any momentum that Vicious Rumors album has.
Soldiers of the Night isn't that great imo. The leads are sexy but the singer on that one is weak, and stylistically it has this doesn't-know-what-they-want-to-be feel, bits of USPM, glam, speed, etc but doesn't really excel at any of them. The aggro stuff is usually weaker. The gated snares and overall murky production hurt as well.

Domestic Bliss - 4/5 (weird song especially for the time, maybe a 3.5 but there's an oppressive melody and maliciousness to it that makes it stand out)
Blistering Winds - 3.5/5 (very strong 3.5, the rest of the album needed this kind of energy)
In Fire - 3.5/5
Blitz the World - 3.5/5
March or Die - 3/5 (kinda reminds me of Spreading the Disease-era Anthrax)
Medusa - 3/5
Premonition/Ride (Into the Sun) - 3.5/5, 3/5
Invader - 2.5/5 (instrumental, extended solo)
Soldiers of the Night - 2.5/5 (one of the best solos, otherwise mediocre)
Murder - 2/5

Chastain was never really a great band. Leather Leone was a great singer but Chastain himself was largely just another neoclassical noodler imo. 1984 belonged to USPM, 1985 belongs more to thrash.
I knew going into this year that Open the Gates wasn't going to make my list. I also left off a lot of other albums that I like because I just like the ones that I listed more. This year has a lot of great albums and I'll be interested in seeing what winds up making the final cut aside from obvious choices.
It wasn't trying to be deep. People are arguing intensely about certain albums here and I'm just saying that I didn't really see the need to get so analytical in such a great year.

Thanks for your support and concern though.
Scratch that, I'm done.

Being sick really messed up my plans to go through all my 1985 albums but I had a good chunk of spare time today. This year has been... stressful lmao. Too many albums to consider.

1. Slayer - Hell Awaits
2. Celtic Frost - To Mega Therion
3. Pentagram - Pentagram (aka Relentless)
4. Omen - Warning of Danger
5. Trouble - The Skull
6. Attacker - Battle at Helms Deep
7. Manilla Road - Open the Gates
8. Bathory - The Return......
9. Saint Vitus - Hallow's Victim
10. Fates Warning - The Spectre Within

Hell Awaits
really is just a fucking masterpiece.
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1. Slayer - Hell Awaits
2. Bathory - The Return
3. Agent Steel - Skeptics Apocalypse
4. Loudness - Thunder in the East
5. Possessed - Seven Churches

Will add on to my list if I have time - ordering might change since I just threw this together quickly without too much thought before work
I’ve actually never heard any Agent Steel before despite having know about them for years. Guess I should get on that.

How does that Loudness album compare to The Law of the Devil’s Land?

Liege Lord’s Freedom Rise is really good and I’m sad it’s not on any lists! HBB has it in his upper half but not top 10.
Agent Steel is boring as fuck. You'll love them.

Freedom's Rise is good but it's not top-tier stuff.

Objective track ratings:

Amnesty - 4/5 (intro a bit Number of the Beast reminiscent, some Slough Feg folky harmonies, total USPM)
Warrior's Farewell - 3.5/5
Legionnaire - 3.5/5
Prodigy/Wielding Iron Fists - 4/5, 3.5/5 (POWERFUL intro)
For the King - 3.5/5 (kinda bouncy/swinging, a bit Di'Anno-era Maiden style)
Rage of Angels - 3.5/5 (trotting USPM, triplet drumming, a little standard but still strong)
Vials of Wrath - 3/5
Dark Tale - 3/5 (more speed metal)