GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 1997

Omni's list should still be counted for this round since it's only one of his accounts. We might be able to push it into the top 10.
Damn, I feel like I’m in the minority of not liking Cryptic Writings. Surprised at all these votes. What do you guys like about the album? Not being sassy, just genuinely curious. Maybe I’m not giving it the right attention?
It's post-thrash radio metal so there's lots to not like depending on one's preferences, but at the very least I think it has a greater breadth of writing than Countdown/Youthanasia, and songs like Trust, Almost Honest, and She-Wolf are nostalgic anthems with great hooks.
Stop thinking with your third eye and use the other two, Turktoy. His list is posted in this thread.
I hear you like playing with toys ....

and yea, i know you had a boner for a bogus user who was created just to stroke you but considering Talos was a fake account his list should definitely not be counted.
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I hear you like playing with toys ....

and yea, i know you had a boner for a bogus user who was created just to stroke you off but considering Talos was a fake account his list should definitely not be counted.

Is that Onder in the middle? If so he transitioned from cute pixie to disenchanted liberal arts prof mother quite well.
What about these:

Kampfar - Mellom skogkledde aaser
Arcturus - La masquerade Infernale
Borknagar - The Olden Domain
Emperor - Anthems...
Gorgoroth - Under the Sign of Hell
Arckanum - Kostogher
GBK - Mocking the Philanthropist
Obtained Enslavement - Witchcraft
Graveland - Following the Voice of Blood

Fucking strong year for black metal.
is this in order?

@Oblivious Maximus
@Anom@nder Rake
Looks like that Skepticism album is from 98
Rules are you have to number your lists, or they are tallied as unranked and therefore every song earns 5.5 points as opposed to 1st place = 10 points, 2nd place = 9 points and so on.

Check page 1 for rules.