It is a really good album even though you could technically say its Candlemass "in name only". I've always thought they should have put "Featuring Leif Edling" on the cover as a sly nod to Seventh Star. Have you heard the original records of the songs that was supposed to be the Abstrakt Algebra II album? Makes for a neat compare and contrast.OK, I've just checked out "Dactylis Glomerata" and actually did enjoy it. I guess the reason why I never gave it a try before was that Candlemass had lost me with "Chapter VI" and I didn't get back to them before their eponymous "comeback" album. Even though I've only listened to this album once, my first impression is that it appeals to me more than Shadow Gallery's "Tyranny" - at least nowadays.
dont worry, i dont think there's a rule that says you have to own the albums or anything. I don't own a legit copy of The Supreme Force of Eternity(i doubt that most here do)
the guy sounds like an idiot.