"The leads and singer are very strong, but I'm not sure about these songlengths for these riffs, even if the songs don't seem too repetitive. Solid overall at least though." - @HamburgerBoy
"Great high energy heavy metal is always a winner." - @Krow
"Neck-snapping speed metal from the depths of Norway! Punchy, urgent, vicious, raw, everything I want in heavy metal. Love the slicing melodies, hardly surprising that this slaughters most shit that came out last year since it's the lads from Deathhammer, Obliteration, Nekromantheon, Condor etc." - @CiG
"Hell yeah. I really dig this band's modern take on Obituary and the OSDM like. I think I actually enjoyed their previous album more, but it's close." - @Baroque
"New Visigoth was good I thought. Listened through on the train today, topped the debut for me." - @Einherjar86
"I got to admit. Visigoth is one band I've been trying to listen to, but their songs are typically so long for the amount of quality in them. Everyone seems to love them, and I just.... my ADHD immediately acts up when I put them on." - @Funerary_Doom
"I've never been big on this band but everyone I know is saying that this is their best album yet. This fucking rules." - @Master_Yoda77
"Really like this whole album, very cool combination of death metal, thrash metal and traditional metal that comes out sounding very old school and vicious." - @CiG
"This band has been surprisingly consistent over the years. Yeah really dig this, just melodic enough in the guitars to catch my ear and drag it along through the changes, increases momentum.....old school masters creating this imminent feel of being in a nightmare, running from some unknown terror." - @Baroque
"Panphage was fucking excellent. This is right up my alley." - @challenge_everything
"Panphage are great if you love riff heavy mid-90s melodic black metal. They’re not groundbreaking by any means but they’re an utterly faithful and well-executed nod to that style." - @Manic Ferocity
"Panphage is really good, but it seems like such an in-crowd thing to like them. I mean, it's competent but holy shit the praise bestowed... it's too much." - @dwellerINTHEdark
"Personally a huge fan of Jord and I think it saw Panphage go out on a high note." - @Erecshyrinol
"It's a bit samey, but there's definitely some good riffs and killer leads here. Could use more dymanics. Everything is mid-paced and chunky. Needs a few really blazing rippers." - @Master_Yoda77
Somehow beautiful that Satan and Voivod tied, both equally deserving of the spot although I personally like the Voivod better. Disappointed that the hands-down best album of the year (Sacral Rage) didn't even make the list.