GMD Social Poll: Top Ten Films of 1997

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Approximately Infinite Universe
May 22, 2015
The Wildflower State
RYM film chart

Deadline is APRIL 30th. If you need an extension just say so and it will absolutely be considered. This is usually just a soft deadline to make sure everybody doesn't become complacent.

The 2001 game actually had the biggest turnout so far, so thanks for that. :kickass:

REMEMBER for those of you who haven't seen many films from this year or in general, you can always submit lists as small as only having 5 submissions.

(I've decided to not include animated films in my lists, it's up to you if you follow suit.)


- Please submit at least 5 films.
- First place in your rankings gets 10 points, 2nd gets 9, etcetc, 10th gets 1.
- Feel free to post more than 10, but only the top 10 will get points.
- Feel free to post less than 10, the same scoring will apply.
- Feel free not to rank your picks, in which case all ten picks will get 5.5 points.
- If you're so much of a dick that you have to post more than 10 unranked picks, the maths will be worked out.

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I'm guessing Beverly Hills Ninja?
  1. Starship Troopers (Best sci-fi war movie I can think of after Star Wars, which really makes it one of my favorite war movies ever, since I find the realistic ones more depressing than thrilling. Made a big impression on me as a teen.)
  2. The Devil's Advocate (I love Satanic stuff, and this one is evil as fuck. Pacino's performance is brilliant, and a refreshing alternative to his gazillion gangster roles.)
  3. Princess Mononoke (Top-notch epic fantasy with a fascinating magic system and use of symbolism.)
  4. L.A. Confidential (Stylized in a way which makes it feel like more than just a cop/detective thriller. I'm a sucker for a good mid 20th century L.A. setting, of which this is an especially intoxicating rendition. On top of that, numerous layers of great chemistry among the cast of characters.)
  5. Lost Highway (Kinda bores me tbh. Trippy and moody enough to be memorable, but I can't help thinking of it as a rough draft of Mulholland Drive.)
  6. Men in Black (I'm not normally into something this pop, but it's still exciting on a sci-fi level, and of course hilarious.)
  7. Titanic (This is kinda the kitchen sink part of my list. I can take or leave Titanic, but it is pretty epic and heart-wrenching.)
  8. The Fifth Element
  9. Donnie Brasco
  10. Good Will Hunting

There's a few I need to see, like LA Confidential and Gattaca. I can probably have a full list by the deadline.

Update: LA Confidential down.
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Another strong year for the decade. Of course, having the greatest movie ever released during said year helps a lot, but a lot of other quality stuff came out in '97 as well. :cool:

I'm too scared to watch Lost Highway a second time.

i watched Cop Land for the first time a few months back and really enjoyed it. Will definitely make my list.

Great film, such a different role for Stallone and he crushed it.

Highly recommended by me if that means anything. Cemented spot in my list that's for sure.
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Reactions: zabu of nΩd
1. Chasing Amy
2. The Castle
3. Absolute Power
4. Grosse Pointe Blank
5. Cop Land
6. Metro
7.Gone Fishin’
8. Quicksilver Highway
9. Murder at 1600
10. Out To Sea

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