GMD Song Survivor: Metallica - ...And Justice For All, Round 1

Which 3 songs should be eliminated first?

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Shortest Straw, Harvester, and One, in that order. Shortest Straw is the only one that I'd call as bad as mediocre.
One isn't one of my favorites, but the lyrical concept and song structure are quite interesting. No way I'd rank it near the bottom.
Voted off AJFA, Shortest Straw & Beholder.

I'm hoping Blackened, Dyers Eve, and FEOS last a while. Definitely my top 3. Looking like Blackened & Dyers Eve might very well get there based on the current votes.
Dyers Eve is musically phenomenal, one of Metallica's harshest tracks, but the lyrics are sound like something from a nu metal band.

Tough call, since I wouldn't give any song on this album a score lower than 9/10, but I went with Eye of the Beholder, Shortest Straw, and Harvester of Sorrow.
'eye of the beholder' was the first song i was really drawn to on this album and i've always loved it (same thing with its equivalent on MoP, 'the thing that should not be'), kinda sad it's gonna get kicked first round although i'm not exactly surprised.
'eye of the beholder' was the first song i was really drawn to on this album and i've always loved it (same thing with its equivalent on MoP, 'the thing that should not be'), kinda sad it's gonna get kicked first round although i'm not exactly surprised.

Same, lyrically it's the best track on the album I think. Musically it's in my top 3 on the album with AJFA and TLITD

Least favorite: Harvester of Sorrow, it just drags. Shortest Straw picks up and has a p cool guitar solo gotta say. They repeat "shortest straw" too many times is the prob. Frayed Ends of Sanity is not memorable and the riffs seem weird and out of place. SS > FEoS > HoS