GMD Song Survivor: Metallica - ...And Justice For All, Round 2

Which 2 songs should be eliminated?

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Active Member
Oct 16, 2012
Southern California
In round 1, Harvester of Sorrow pulled the Shortest Straw, then accepted its fate that To Live is to Die. Now 6 tracks remain.


1. Blackened
2. …And Justice for All
3. Eye of the Beholder
4. One
5. The Shortest Straw
6. Harvester of Sorrow
7. The Frayed Ends of Sanity
8. To Live Is to Die
9. Dyers Eve

For round 2, select 2 least favorite tracks from the album. This poll will stay open for 5 days. May the greatest tracks win
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Eye of the Beholder & the title track. Not sure why more folks aren't voting off title track. Frayed Ends of Sanity is rather strong, even with One and behind only Blackened & Dyer's Eve IMO. I'd change my vote to help Dyer's Eve out, but Frayed is already leading, I already voted for Eye, and no way One gets voted off this round...
One and Dyers Eve. The later fucking rips musically but as someone else mentioned in the previous thread, the lyrics do hold it back a bit. One still sounds good to my ears, but the other remaining songs are much stronger. Happy to see Eye of the Beholder still hanging on.
Dyers Eve kicks the most ass. One of the thrashiest Metallica songs

Every elimination round is painful with this album lol. Frayed Ends of Sanity needs to go but then, I love all the other songs. Went with Blackened because I have less attachment to it.

...And Justice For All - this was the autoplay song on my geoshitties webpage decades ago
Eye of the Beholder - the lyrics meant a lot to me as a rebellious teenager
One - used to play this song as a cover in my band with an old friend

Then it ends up being Dyers Eve vs Blackened. Both songs kick ass but Dyers kicks more. And Blackened has that lyric "watch your mother die" which always bothered me somewhat.
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i love everything that's left, but 'dyers eve' doesn't have quite as much identity as the others. 'frayed ends of sanity' is my reluctant second pick.
why don't you posers like dyer's eve
Don't get me wrong. The song thrashes out with the best of them, but I think it just seems forced lyrically.

I suppose I could be too hard on it and should just be thankful that the song is still 10x better than anything from the "Load" and "St Anger" era.
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... oh yes, i didn't know lyrics make or break thrash metal songs.
Y'all are high. No way any of those 3 songs are worse than Eye of the Beholder.

Eye of the Beholder is flawless. Maybe if Dyers Eve's verses contained more than a basic power chord progression I would vote for another song.