Which is your favorite song?

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Active Member
Jan 30, 2016
Chicagoland, Illinois

Vote for your favorite song. Poll will remain open for 3 days.
Phobophobia, second best song on the album, peak Killian babbling and lots of great breaks.
yea because Killians vocals are the high point of this album, no? :lol: dumb twat. Dont ever speak of riffs again.

They are, actually, the LOOKINGOVER MYSHOULDER deranged talk-rambling part is easily the second best moment on the album, after Calling in the Coroner's chorus. The riffs are pretty solid throughout but individually are nothing special; many bands had better riffs individually than Vio-lence, but it's the riff quantity (which Phobophobia has no problem delivering on) that makes up for it.
They are, actually, the LOOKINGOVER MYSHOULDER deranged talk-rambling part is easily the second best moment on the album, after Calling in the Coroner's chorus. The riffs are pretty solid throughout but individually are nothing special; many bands had better riffs individually than Vio-lence, but it's the riff quantity (which Phobophobia has no problem delivering on) that makes up for it.

“Let’s spend half an hour talking about nothing.”
the riffage is clearly the main part/defining aspect of this album. Casual normies(like Aidsden) think its the vocals though. If the killer riffs werent there Killians vocals would mean nothing ... you cant say the same thing the other way around though. but then again its HBB and he knows jack shit when it comes to riffs. The guy thinks garbage like 90's exodus have good riffs. :lol:
Still waiting for you to name your favorite riff. Shouldn't be hard since this album is all about the riffs for you, right? Eternal Nightmare is a solid 6/10 on the riffing front, it does the job, occasionally it rises above that, but there are dozens of bands with catchier, more memorable, more complex, and/or more dynamic riffs than them. In Phobophobia it's the largely drumming playing off the riffs that makes the breaks so good.

I don't think I've specifically praised 90s Exodus for their riffs btw, considering they only have two albums from that decade, one of which is rather infamously bad (though I do enjoy a few songs from it).
Ok, well the only album by Exodus that is even worth listening to is Bonded by Blood.

As for Eternal Nightmare, no one cares about the specifics. Good riffs, good vocals. Stop over-analyzing everything.
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I don't think I've specifically praised 90s Exodus for their riffs btw, considering they only have two albums from that decade, one of which is rather infamously bad (though I do enjoy a few songs from it).

If he wants garbage mid paced thrash from 1990 then he should look no further than his beloved exodus. The kings of mid-paced generic thrash.

Exodus is mid-paced for thrash overall, but unlike Vio-lence past one album, they wrote great songs and riffs as well.

so this conversation want about the 90's(1990 specially)? Regardless, most of their stuff outside of their first two albums are absolutely pedestrian(especially when it comes to riffs) which is why they're right up your alley

. Stop over-analyzing everything.

shut the fuck up manic

and yes, Exodus suck dick outside of their first two albums. one of the worst well known thrash bands of all time