Go for it!


Active Member
Apr 10, 2006

you want to commit a suicide? Go for it. Do it. Life sucks anyway, don't be a pussy. Do it now. Go for it. Cut your throat, jump off a bridge, just fucking DO IT MAN. FUCKING KILL YOURSELF you ugly virgin bitch, we don't want you. Your mother's a whore, your father's a retard, your kids fat and ugly. GO FOR IT K-I-L-L YOURSELF!

Go - Do - for - it - it.

Just my 2 cents.
Jesus Christ I can't even imagine life as bad as yours, I'd end it right away. I'd do it with fucking pleasure you fucking ruin! You're too weak to even realise how much of a nothing you are, you're to weak to fucking realise! KILL-YOUR-SELF-NOW. End it. Finish it. Do yourself a favor. I do this because I care about you. I do it because I care and I don't want you to suffer anymore so fucking do it FUCKING GO FOR IT.
Ok. I have 2:16PM here, what's your time? 9:16AM?

EDIT: at whiskey.

you want to commit a suicide? Go for it. Do it. Life sucks anyway, don't be a pussy. Do it now. Go for it. Cut your throat, jump off a bridge, just fucking DO IT MAN. FUCKING KILL YOURSELF

eh, it's just that whole thing of wanting to still play music and maybe do stuff in the world to help people and not wanting to be selfish and pissing off the small amount of people I have. Otherwise, sure I guess..

virgin bitch

unfortunately, this does not officially exist. :(

we don't want you. Your mother's a whore

this holds truth tbh

Just my 2 cents.

Can I get some quarters for a dollar so I can play some mad ski ball or air hockey?
Onder, tvuj váš vaše pes je neurcitý clen dobroucký rádio rozhlas of telefon telefonovat volat zatelefonovat zavolat. Chut chutnat mé moje muj ritní otvor a i napít se nápoj pít pití vypít nejaký nekterý igelit igelitový boty obuv.
Onder, tvuj vᚠvaše pes je neurcitý clen dobroucký rádio rozhlas of telefon telefonovat volat zatelefonovat zavolat. Chut chutnat mé moje muj ritní otvor a i napít se nápoj pít pití vypít nejaký nekterý igelit igelitový boty obuv.

I'll tell you what you just said you retard.

"Onder, your yours dog good radio of telephone, to telephone. Taste, to taste your anus and even drink some igelit shoes."
I'll tell you what you just said you retard.

"Onder, your yours dog good radio of telephone, to telephone. Taste, to taste your anus and even drink some igelit shoes."

Cinit delat konat udelat vykonat ne být bývat Beryllium proto takže tuhý tvrdý težký obtížný na sám akorát pravé spravedlivý zrovna že ponevadž protože muj tiny curák penis šulín je proto tak takže pochva škaredý, muj ceský cesky "isn't meant" :) aby at do ke ku bývat Beryllium opravovat správný.
I only understood "My tiny penis is so ugly like a vagina."

EDIT: Your Czech is good BTW. Many of my friends talk like this.