Go See Wasp!

Lies and Perfidy

Gentleman of the Road
Nov 27, 2002
Washington, Washing-Ton
Holy shit, what an amazing live band. Just caught them last night...you know, Blackie Lawless may be an egomaniac, a douchebag, impossible to work with, dishonest, whatever the hell else you can say about him, but DAMN, what an incredible performer. Link to full report + pics in my sig.

Seriously, go see this band, I believe they're touring soon. Heavy Fucking Metal at its finest.
Nope... not after getting burned twice in 3 days. blackie is NOT ever getting another fucking PENNY from ME!! :bah:

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
That's a hard sell. A guy pushing 50 years old, that doesn't have enough coin to pay for a set of britches, that has an ass sewn on them? Then he insists on carrying this goofy 2,000 pound prop mic stand, which he wraps his stinky swap ass around?!
I don't know, you tell me does that sound like "appealing" to you?!
I saw them in '86 opening for Maiden, I haven't seen them since, I don't think I have missed much since...
Pyrus said:
He doesn't wear the assless pants anymore, don't worry. ;)

Don't let Blackie's personality turn you off; he's a showman first and foremost, and WASP has an incredibly stage show to go with the music.
Just wondering Pyrus, who is in the band these days?
I know Frankie Banali played on the Neon God records, but who is the drummer on tour? And who is the bass player?
sixxswine said:
Duda & Howland are back?
That's cool. At least he still has a steady line up...

Too bad he doesn't have a steady mind!

I used to be a HUGE WASP fan... and then blackie cancelled 2 shows I had tickets for because of his overgrown mic stand. I've also heard, from some pretty reliable sources, that there's a LOT of "ashlee simpson" type shenanigans going on at a WASP "live" show too... if I want to listen to the CDs, I'll just stay home and save myself the 30 or 40 bucks.

I refuse to give my money to a person who doesn't value his fans, and their dedication to his band. If it wasn't for the fans, he'd be flipping burgers.

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: