Go to Wikipedia.

all i can say is that i hope next album has more growls than watershed
I forgot the bbcode, sorry!

Now with this and the burden video they will make millions.[/joke]
all i can say is that i hope next album has more growls than watershed

Something happens when singers discovered they can actually do something (they believe) good with their clean voice. Most of the time, it's just leading to some shit (example : In Flames). For Opeth, I think Mikael discovered a great, unique clean voice. There's a big improvement in the quality of his singing and I'm pretty sure it's going to stay on the next albums. I, for sure, hope there will be more death vocals, but I must not expect less clean vocals. I don't know what you guys think about older album, but I alway thought Mikael looked "shy" when singing, sometime (first two album) it was even like murmurs, he even used whispers. I should stop thinking about their next album, but Watershed is so good that I just want to hear more new stuff!

For the Wikipedia stuff.. well.. that quite.. you know.. I don't give a d**k*y-*s*-pen*t**ti*n.
you think mikael has discovered a great and unique voice, i think mikael has totally lost his gauge for vocals and is on the virge of total vocal wankery.
you think mikael has discovered a great and unique voice, i think mikael has totally lost his gauge for vocals and is on the virge of total vocal wankery.

Well he found a new voice that has a lot of quality, but at the same time there was something.. special.. in the older voice that is not there anymore. It was more natural before Watershed, or even Damnation.

I'm totally good with the 50/50 sing-to-growl ratio. Mike's clean vocals have really gotten good and I enjoy the possibilities it opens for Opeth. Opinions may vary...

Besides, if you want to hear the all-br00tz Mike, Bloodbath has that in spades!

MOCK THE CROSS, bitches! :kickass:
you think mikael has discovered a great and unique voice, i think mikael has totally lost his gauge for vocals and is on the virge of total vocal wankery.

i like the natural progression of mikael's clean singing. literally NATURAL, didnt he quit smoking and cut back on the liquor? that would allow the throat and lungs to do a little healing, thus a wider spectrum in which his voice can achieve.
And then he went back to smoking, I think?

BTW leave it to this forum to turn a "holy shit, Opeth got front-page feature status on Wikipedia" topic into another stupid argument.
i like the natural progression of mikael's clean singing. literally NATURAL, didnt he quit smoking and cut back on the liquor? that would allow the throat and lungs to do a little healing, thus a wider spectrum in which his voice can achieve.

well, the cause of his new vocals is pretty irrelevant... basically either you like his new "wider spectrum" or you don't. i fall on the latter. to me there's no comparison, his older vocals were much more natural and weren't as showcased as they are now.