Goals for this year.

1. Another great semester at uni
2. Perhaps another girlfriend
3. MARYLAND FUCKING DEATHFEST must be amazing, or my year has failed
4. Buy moar music
5. Get Wound Urge released on some label
Learn to play the drums (just bought a electric set)
Get better at guitar
Get out of the USMC
Get a new job
Drink less
Keep eating healthy/exercising
1. drink more beer
2. have more sex
3. listen to more metal
4. not mess up on my new job, which will make goals 1-3 possible, that starts in january! :D
1. By summer I want to weight 185 and in excellent shape. So far so good though. I used to weigh 150 lbs, 1 month later of hardcore working out I weigh 160 lbs, improved my bench by 30 lbs and all that jazz. So far so good. Gonna get ripppeeeddddddddd woo!

2. Keep up my 4.0 gpa in college.

3. I haven't come up with a third one yet.