Goatwhore - Funeral Dirge for the Rotting Sun

Soilent Goat

May 26, 2002
This album SLAYS!!! Who else has it?? To me it sounds like Celtic Frost with elephant BALLS!! Good ole Florida death metal..and their obvious black metal influence..Anyone going to be catching them on tour with Kreator, Nile, and Amon Amarth?
ffanatic said:
Goatwhore were formed from the ashes of Acid Bath, correct?

ehhh not quite...the only member that was in Acid Bath is Sammy Duet..Ben Falgoust who is also the singer for Soilent Green is on vocals of course and the rest of them are and have been in Goatwhore pretty much exclusively as far as I know..
Soilent Goat said:
ehhh not quite...the only member that was in Acid Bath is Sammy Duet..Ben Falgoust who is also the singer for Soilent Green is on vocals of course and the rest of them are and have been in Goatwhore pretty much exclusively as far as I know..

Ahh, okay. Seems I've been misinformed. Still, I'll have to check them out!