

Sin deep my wicked angel
Jul 26, 2002
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whilst i dont believe in god myself, i will not be so ignorant as to say that there is no such thing. there is no solid evidence either way as to whether the guy exists. sure, science can explain how things happen but there is no why? how can you believe that for summat like 3 billion years this planet was an empty wasteland but then suddenly asll the elements came together to create our life as we know it without some force behind it. any one who has study religion and theology will tell you there is no right or wrong answer, people will believe what they want to. And anyway, isnt proving god's existence against everything he (if he exists) wanted?
That's the problem with humans: they need to know why. How do you know that there was a reason at all? The force behind the evolution of life was the only force in the universe you can depend on: just because...

One theory says that whatever started the Big Bang (or whatever it was that happened) set into motion all the atoms in the universe, and because of our planet's distance from the sun, the abundance of water, and maybe even the make-up of the minerals in the planet, life devloped out of the molecules available (it's pretty easy to believe when you see all the evidence).

I think if the universe had a motto, it would be "if it can happen, it will".
When does it start?
There are very few starts. Oh, some things seem to be beginnings.
The curtain goes up, the first pawn moves, the firs shot is fired (probably at the first pawn) - but that's not the start. The play, the game, the war is just a little window on a ribbon of events that may extend back thousands of years. The point is, there's always something before. It's always a case of Now Read On.
Much human ingenuity has gone into finding the ultimate Before.
The current state of knowledge can be summarized thus:
In the beginning, there was nothing, which exploded.
Other theories about the ultimate start involve gods creating the universe out of the ribs, entrails and testicles of their father (Gods like a joke as much as anyone else). There are quite a lot of these. They are interesting, not for what they tell you about cosmology, but for what they say about people. Hey, kids, which part do you think they made your town out of?
Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies.

Originally posted by Stygian Apothegm
sure we can't prove it, but if god really did exist he wouldnt be such a fucking bastard homo and he would show himself to us instead of condemning us all.

Hey. People can't _believe_ something in which they can grasp. That would take away all the magic.
