
Originally posted by FrostGiant
Considering it's so "cool" not to believe in a religion I guess I can understand this thread. But you people need to make up your own mind instead of following exactly what Warell says. You're all a bunch of puppets.

"You people" means everyone reading this. Don't speak for me, you don't even know me.
I have my own mind, and i am conscious of my soul... There is no god in my mind.

...And yet i do not negate the need that some peopl ehave for a beleif system... I need not attack someone for their beleifs, yet they attack me for mine...

yes it is quite fucked... how one person and their little fairytale somehow thinks they are better than you and your fairytale... hahahhaha ya know... I use the little source of light within my soul, no middle man required... "god" is a shaky word, trapped, do you believe in evolution... to me that is god, in a sense ya know, if you weant to call it that
Originally posted by FrostGiant
Considering it's so "cool" not to believe in a religion I guess I can understand this thread. But you people need to make up your own mind instead of following exactly what Warell says. You're all a bunch of puppets.
1. You don't believe in a religion. You believe in its God/Great Spirit/etc... You follow a religion and its rules. Which rules are not made by the God, but by ppl who claim to represent him on earth. This means you have to follow their will or else you will burn in hell, not God's will. If I love all ppl arround me (including my enemies) and don't go to Church to help the poor churches grow a bit richer, if i eat meat on Good Friday, if I don't kiss a priest's hand when i see him so that he can give me his blessing, then i will burn in hell for sure. Here in Greece ppl are very religious. Well he can come kiss my ass and then i might consider blessing him if he confesses to me and denier each of the riches he posseses.

2. The only real God is Nevermore. :lol:

3. If i had followed WD i would have been dead by alcohol, or by drugs. I am still alive. So don't you "follow WD" me. Speak for someone you know he does, not in general.
Ok, talking about logic, i just had to post...:)
I remember my first "religionclass", all it took was 20 minutes and my teacher (who was in church as well..dunno what he was, but he was kinda scary to me, i really didn't liked the guy) said to me "you can leave, and please...don't come back, because i can't use you in this classroom!" I was lucky, no defensing, no arguements, he just send me away..
He asked me if i ever had read the bible..and as a matter of fact, yes, i did. To be honest, some of the things that are written, are beautiful and do have their value. BUT, there were things that i didn't understand. The old testament says" it's not allowed for a man, to have sexual intercourse with a woman, when she is not willing to have sex with him". Wonderful, i thought, it's not allowed to rape woman! BUT, if he does, that man HAS to marry that woman...MAN, can you believe it? That woman is forced to live with her rapist, all her life!!! So, that's what i told him, i didn't understand that part and asked him to explain it to me, and ...he didn't had an answer! Second thing i asked him" do you believe in the fact, that god created men?" Yes, he said.
Well, tell me...It's not allowed to have sexual intercourse with the first-line blood, like when people are family of yours, that's true, isn't it? Yes, well, he tried to tell me the whole story but i interrupted him.. I said "then Kain or Abel went to bed with their mother, otherwise we weren't here!!!" He just turned as red as anybody can be, and he send me away!
I was amazed and confused, that somebody, that has studied for this a long time, couldn't explain to me what i asked him..it was just a logical question and he couldn't gave me any answers...

Ok, long post but i just wanted to share something with you.
xxx Iris xxx
I use the little source of light within my soul, no middle man required...

exactly... i am all that i need to beleive in. My mind tells me all that i need to know...

"god" is a shaky word, trapped, do you believe in evolution... to me that is god, in a sense ya know, if you weant to call it that

Evolution is a shaky word too... Evolution in terms of technology is exactly the opposite of what it claims to be, technology drives us further into the ground... "Technology is the beast".

...But Evolution in terms of self, yes, i guess you could say that that is god... You learn from your mistakes, and you evolve as a person, changing with every choice you make and with every turn...

I do not need anything to beleive in... I mean that... I hate how humans as a race and culture are so weak as to label every part of their life a 'beleif'. I do not live by 'morals' or by a code'... i don't live by the governments 'laws' either... I just do what i have to do, wether it conflicts with these things or not... Not an anarchist at all... for anarchy means no stability, and stability is the life blood of sanity and confidence... but more of a wanderer I guess... just 'do what youve gotta do, and dont interfere with what anyone else has to do'.
my only true belief, is that at any moment my beliefs can change... usually that moment comes after a psychedelic experience hahahaha... but yeah, I never set myself to any rules or laws... one thing that our society has today is many many texts of cultures before us to learn from. we need to realize that with culture, comes cultural brainwashing, and just because of the beliefs of the vast majority or whatever, does not make them right... it is only how they were raised or decided for their minds to believe later on in life, or maybe they just wanted to "fit in"... to quote the great Leary, just one more time hahahaa... "you are a god, act like one" "live your highest vision"

stay open
Have you ever noticed the fact that religious kids always come from deeply religious families?? It is never a kid thinking for themselves and choosing for themselves... it is always brainwashing.... How sad...

I don't mind people who are religious by choice, i actually partially respect that to some degree... but people who 'beleive' simply because that is how they were raised, then that shows something seriously wrong with their character...

I've actually got a freind that is heaps religious, and she actually ADMITS that this is the case only because she was raised that way... The sad thing is is that she's such a lovely person, you know? Really sweet girl, really innocent too... When i first met her, i had no idea about her beleifs... i didn't even think about it... and we had this four/five hour conversation... you know, bonding conversation and stuff... and i mentioned something about how silly it was that people beleive that a guy could walk on water, and another guy could part the seas... ha ha... silly me, all those hours of working towards getting this girl to like me, and i fuck it up with one sentence... :lol:

Ahh... you and the learycalizm.... he he...
haha Iris!! great story :-)= these poor stupid ppl :mad:

but: a religion is not really linked to logic and logical thoughts! It´s called belief ... You have to believe it or not - so did I understand that whole story ... well, I couldn´t believe this bullshit so I went off catholizism and now am "free" .. :grin:

Obviously it´s always easier for poor and uneducated ppl (especially) to believe in religious contents ... they do not and/or cannot question religion?!
that threat would be a cool one if such ppl had access to it ...
poor trapped ... babbled too much? haha
ah - religious chicks ... is that contagious? I fear so!!! run, trapped, run!
I have to apologize somewhat for that post I made. My basic argument was there, I just kind of sounded like an a-hole. There are a lot of people out there that refuse organized religion because that is kind of the 'metal' thing to do (that's a whole 'nother issue there I do want to get into). I don't really want to say anybody here does that, cuz I don't know any of you, but I've met plenty of people who do. And musicians such as Warell do influence these people. It's got to do with idolizing these people. If you make up you mind based largely off of something like this, you have problems.

I don't see how believing in seemingly impossible tasks such as walking on water and splitting the seas can be dangerous though. Shouldn't it be about what makes you happy? If my life is easier because I believe that I'm going to go to this happy afterlife, why not believe that? So what if you're wrong. Where you have problems is when you start to be an extremist. Such as fighting wars because of it. That's stupid.

And yes, you are raised into it and there's really nothing you can do about it. And for a lot of people you are generally not able to quesion your faith until you get out of your parents house and away from their rules. I was confirmed Catholic because the rents wanted it that way but in retrospect I should have never allowed that. But if you are happy living your life as a believer even cuz of how you were raised, big deal.

(and I know I contradicted myself in this post, you don't need to point that out :D)
Originally posted by Trapped
I have my own mind, and i am conscious of my soul... There is no god in my mind.

...And yet i do not negate the need that some peopl ehave for a beleif system... I need not attack someone for their beleifs, yet they attack me for mine...


Hey Trapped I'm the same way, I'm a Buddhist and constantly ridiculed in that manner, oh and what album cover is that for your current avatar.....looks nice
poor trapped ... babbled too much? haha
ah - religious chicks ... is that contagious? I fear so!!! run, trapped, run!

he he... another thing... i tried to call her last night... and i got her 'excessively anti-male religious dude' father on the phone... ha ha... boy did I have some fun.. apparently she was at CHURCH at 8:30 on a friday night... gahhh... i give up...!

Hey Trapped I'm the same way, I'm a Buddhist and constantly ridiculed in that manner, oh and what album cover is that for your current avatar.....looks nice

The tree's one?? it's actually not an album cover... but it would make a nice one hey? it is from a painting that i bought a while ago, i just scanned part of it, screwed with the colours in photoshop and whallah! We have a new avatar... I'm changing it to purple soon... i get bored easily. he he. :)
I don't see how believing in seemingly impossible tasks such as walking on water and splitting the seas can be dangerous though.

It is incredibly dangerous... especially when it is a whole culture engulfed in this illogical beleif system... Just look at what outragious beleifs has done to afghanistan and america...!! Need i say any more?

Shouldn't it be about what makes you happy? If my life is easier because I believe that I'm going to go to this happy afterlife, why not believe that?

Ahh... yes, that is quite a true point, and i see where you are coming from... I just don't personally need to beleive in an omnipresent being to be happy!

If you subscribe to this form of beleif and thought simply because it is 'easier' to do so... then i think you are in it for the wrong reasons. Religion is something that people have died for, and in the past have had HARDER lives to live because of their beleifs... it is ironic that some people would now 'beleive' or 'follow' simply because it is 'easier' to do so!

So what if you're wrong. Where you have problems is when you start to be an extremist. Such as fighting wars because of it. That's stupid.

Exactly... !

Like i said, i need not attack people for their beleifs, as i have mentioned that i am going out of my way to get to know this extremely religious girl despite her beleifs... she is a nice person wether she 'beleives' in a god or not...

I do not interfere with other's beleifs... and i just wish that religious people would share that same philosophy towards myself. I am not an 'atheist' or an 'agnostic'... to tell you the truth, i haven't taken a great amount of time researching either of those things... I beleive the the human mind and soul are very powerful things, and where others may shave their heads and go live on a mountain with goats to 'find themselves', i only need to sit down with some metal blaring and think, and i find myself every time.

Serge, you're right, religion isn't logical. But for me, i mean i was 14 at that time..(and yes, my father is a very religious man, so he was the one that made me read the bilbe)..i was looking for answers. I couldn't believe in the things he was trying to teach me, because i didn't understand them. When i turned my back on the church, my father turned his back on me! I haven't seen him in almost 8 years, only because of the fact, i wanted simple answers...and refused to believe in things, that couldn't make me happy or feel better. So Frosty is right too, if it makes you feel happy, it's ok..
Well, just a note, to say that i agree with most of you..

xxx Iris xxx
My major problem with organized religion is that the followers often try to push their religion on you, and if you don't conform, they view you as inferior. I don't appreciate being told what to do, and if people can't understand that, fuck them. I don't mind people being stupid enough to believe that shit, as long as they don't try to pull me into it or look down on me because of it. That part pisses me off.
I think that the whole core of any religion is that one very insecure person(like,oh,say,one of the 4 Apostles or whichever man wrote the Bible) comes up w/ one severly fucked up idea(such as Christianity)and decides to establish it as a legitament thing and gain follwers.That's when they have to scare and threaten ppl w/bullshit about the afterlife and their immortal souls...that's why Catholic schools and churches were invented.They're schools are more concearned with scaring little children into believing in god then they are in educating them,at least in my experience.In kindergarden god is love and flowers and sunny days...but in the following yrs. they start talking about god's wrath and how if you don't believe in god and love jesus,you're gointg to hell.And the churches aren't places of worship,they're places where all of the scared little Christians go to bitch and complain and denounce and cower in fear,begging their god for deliverence from evil.
In the words of Marilyn Manson"I'm probobly Christianity's best friend because I give them something to complain about on Sundays."