Godspeed You! Black Emperor


Minnesota Ass Vikings
Aug 20, 2005
Hastings MN
Anyone ever heard they're stuff. I just picked up a couple of albums.

Its amazing. Very long, drawn out. Any thoughts?
Sanctums said:
Anyone ever heard they're stuff

I'd be surprised if anyone here say they haven't (save maybe Tully and fotm&btmdmgheyfirbm).
Anyway, brilliant mood architects, forerunners (IMO), unmatched in their field. We've had many threads about them and their likes in the past. I still think that the "Slow Riot for New Zero Kanada" ep contains their best songs, and "Lift your Skinny Penis..." is the be all end all of trance-inducing post-rock goodness
Ellestin said:
I still think that the "Slow Riot for New Zero Kanada" ep contains their best songs

I was just going to say the same thing. I love that EP.
I much prefer Silver Mt. Zion but yeah, Godspell Jew! Butt Enterer are pretty freakin' cool. It doesn't make sense why so many get offended at this type of music, but then again you are very small.
NADatar said:
I much prefer Silver Mt. Zion but yeah, Godspell Jew! Butt Enterer are pretty freakin' cool. It doesn't make sense why so many get offended at this type of music, but then again you are very small.

Speaking of Silver Mt. Zion. Is anyone seeing them on their upcoming tour?
General Zod said:
There's been a number of threads here on them. If you're interested, you might want to do a search. Personally, I think they suck slightly less ass than Sunn0}])/}).


this is by far the stupidest statement youve made

Sanctums said:
Speaking of Silver Mt. Zion. Is anyone seeing them on their upcoming tour?
I am! They'll be out here in about 6 weeks. :cool:

EDIT: Does anyone know when the Los Angeles tickets go onsale, or did I miss them? :erk:

EDIDIIEDT: Oh, I found some $12 tickets on Egay for $39.99 each. FUCK. YOU. Why is scalping illegal but gouging on Ebay not? Stupid.

EIDIDIEIDIDIDIT: Fuck this I'm going to the San Francisco show, I can still get those for $13 a pop. Hey, I took that trip for Hammers once already. :dopey: