Godspeed You Black Emperor!

yes, they are very good... it seems to me that you discover every band i discover in a delay of few weeks\months. (first antimatter, now godspeed...) they are Post Rock band... try also 65daysofstatic and Bark Psychosis... look around for Post Rock bands in this forum, there has been a lot of discussions about this lately
I've heard Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven, and honestly, I wasn't that impressed. It seemed that for every minute amazing of music, you get 3 minutes of... well, boring music. I really can't understand how every single post rock band that I like (or any post rock band, for that matter) is always compared to this band. Maybe I'm missing something, but I'd take Explosions In The Sky or Mono over them any day.
GYBE! are one of the best post-rock bands. You should definitely check out god is an astronaut, 65daysofstatic, magyar posse, etc... mostpost-rock bands are doing grea tthings
The only thing that annoys me about a lot of post rock bands is the drumming. A lot of times its that standard 1/4 note bass drum, then it becomes 1/8 note as the music builds. I mean, i know it serves its purpose, but I could really use some more creative drumming out of that genre. My favorite post rock band is probably sigur ros and while their drummer falls into that, I feel like his jazzy feel to a lot of songs makes up for it.
Well.. Skinny Fists is one of my favourite albums ever. It'd be an album i include in my 'top 5' list if i had to make one, fo' sho'.

Definitely. I absolutely love Skinny Fists. I'd say that my favourite part is 'Broken Windows, Locks Of Love Pt. III'. That maybe the most uplifting pieces of music ever.
Wonderful, wonderful post-rock. All of their cds are excellent, but none better than Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven. The song "Sleep" is especially good. Can't recommend them enough. If you find yourself liking post-rock, get into Pelican (if you haven't already), Red Sparowes, Shora, By the End of Tonight, The Fridge, and Do Make Say Think (awesome). Those bands won't disappoint.

*Note - not all these bands are post-rock, but if you like GY!BE, then you'd probably like them.