Going for a KSE tone with the Rockmaster

Its a little too mid heavy, but its still a nice tone, and quite close to the original.

Listening to the second, it sounds too muffled and has a bit of the annoying 1k mids I usually associate with Revalver - might be the impulse your using?
The only thing thats missing are much thicker strings and something that compress the sound (tubescreamer or waves renes. Axx)
but its very close!!!

Hmm, as far as I know, at least Adam uses .12-.52 strings in dropped C tuning, and I'm using a .10-.60 in dropped B, so it's probably just my untight playing :D But you're completely right about the TS, this thing screams for one (no pun intended). I'm borrowing a Bad Monkey from a friend this weekend so I can try it out.

Listening to the second, it sounds too muffled and has a bit of the annoying 1k mids I usually associate with Revalver - might be the impulse your using?

Hmm, kinda surprised to hear that, since I only did a small cut at around 600Hz and boosted the presence on Revalver's 5150 power amp a bit. I fiddled around with different impulses until I ended up using NewIR_1.wav and ThisOne.wav, but I should definitely fiddle around with different impulses more!
Wait, you're using Revalver (at least partially) for this? That might explain why I thought it had that sound then :D Why not just the Rockmaster straight into Boogex?
I think the first one got to much mids, and the last one needs a little more..(when I compare your tone to the album) So my guess is that you will find that middy sweet spot just in between those two settings you already posted :D
I think the second clip fits better.. and I would like to try your settings with my rockmaster :)
Thanks for the replies! Yeah, the mids really are quite a bitch to handle with this one, but I'm quite digging it's tone otherwise. Can't wait to try it out with a TS.

Habsburgs, I used the following settings:
Ultra channel
Pre: 4.6 pulled
Post: 6
Bottom: 0.1
Body: -6.5
Edge: 4.5

After that I put Revalver MKIII and loaded the 5150 power amp module with resonance and presence at 7.
what pickup are you using?

and which preamp tubes do you have in your rockmaster? mine sounds alot more raw. bought it used so probably needs new tubes.

I can't get mine to sound that "spongy"... I call the tone on KSE's As Daylight Days "spongy" BTW
what pickup are you using?

and which preamp tubes do you have in your rockmaster? mine sounds alot more raw. bought it used so probably needs new tubes.

I can't get mine to sound that "spongy"... I call the tone on KSE's As Daylight Days "spongy" BTW

It's an EMG-81 on the bridhe position. AFAIK the tubes are a couple of months old JJ's, I got the unit from Jevil a while back. I'm thinking of experimenting with Tung Sols, though.