Going for a powerful radio rock mix


Apr 24, 2009
Bath, UK
Hey guys

I've had the pleasure of working with local rock band Natural Tendency for the last couple of days, here's a short preview, taken from near the end of their track Far From Home. It's a very different production style for me but I'm particularly happy with the vocals (no pitch correction!) and bass.

Guitars are the Axe-FX II's JCM800 model, using the band's Fender Tele and Blacktop Jag, as well as some cameos from my ViK Caprice hollowbody and Fender CS '62 Strat. Bass is a Fender Jazz -> Chandler Germanium DI -> Ampeg SVX. Drums are Toontrack Custom & Vintage and Evil Drums, played in on an e-kit. Vocals are Heil PR30 -> Audient MiCO pre.

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