Going For Gojira


Art Geek
Jun 14, 2008
So... I'm a huge Gojira fan but I just found out that IF was actually the headliner of their US tour NOT Gojira. I'm a bit disappointed... I'd like to get more familiar with IF's music before I see them live. I've heard that their earlier stuff is pretty good but their new stuff is sort of shitty. What album would you recommend?
Colony, Clayman, Jester Race, Whoracle.

That's my recomendation in order.
^ Jester Race/ Black Ash Inheritance, Whoracle, Colony, Clayman


oh and by the way, don't bother with any of their other cds if you like music that makes your ears happy.
Jester Race through to Reroute is alright... STYE onwards is fairly weak, though not as bad as some would have you believe. If you were going to go for an album of each In Flames "era" I'd suggest TJR, Clayman and Come Clarity.
So... I'm a huge Gojira fan but I just found out that IF was actually the headliner of their US tour NOT Gojira. I'm a bit disappointed... I'd like to get more familiar with IF's music before I see them live. I've heard that their earlier stuff is pretty good but their new stuff is sort of shitty. What album would you recommend?

jester race,whoreacle,colony,clayman,reroute to remain,soundtrack to your escape,come clarity,a sense of purpose.hahaha fuck off haters:heh:
Obey me in this!

The Jester Race
Lunar Strain (get the version that includes Subterranean)
If you don't like their new stuff then I won't recommend the last two, and R2R and STYE are just shitty.
I have a feeling they're only going to play this nu metal shit huh? :erk:
Well, maybe while they're on I can go back and try to meet Gojira or something.
It's definitely not melodic death metal, but it's not really nu-metal. It's alt metal.
And if anyone says it transcends genre I'm going to fall out of my chair laughing.
why can't it just be heavy metal? There's so many sub-genres these days that it's pointless to even try and group bands into them.

If the guy is going to see N'Flamez live and wants to know what to expect, there's no point him listening to lunar strain or subterranean as they play nothing off either album and neither of those albums even feature the proper In Flames lineup.

The Medley from TJR has been in every show, a few get played off Clayman and loads get played off Come Clarity, so those 3 albums should suffice.
why can't it just be heavy metal? There's so many sub-genres these days that it's pointless to even try and group bands into them.

Took the words right out of my...keyboard. It's just a straight metal release. Nothing more, nothing less.