Going to work with a hangover


I think I've got this down to an artform. I was gonna be good last night, but alas, I got a call at about 10:30 from none other than two of my favorite girls (who will remain nameless to protect the guilty and the innocent), these two lovely young ladies are roommates and they like to go out and get plowed every once in a while, and for whatever reason they enjoy my company. So naturally I went out to the karaoke bar (yes karaoke) and made fun of all the losers singing country songs, and of course drank booze and told cool stories. So then we go to the next bar,, and drank until closing. Like an idiot, knowing that I have to get up at 6 am (it is now 2:00 am) I was dranking Makers Mark. So by the time the girls drop me off it was about 3am. All three of us had to go be at work by 8. What a life, isn't it. One of the girls is a buddies ex, so she is off limits, the other one, well, I'd make her Mrs. Tatman anyday. We' ve had some "moments" but I don't think she is looking for anything in the relationship department right now, but who knows, one day...........Anybody else have a "fun" Wednesday evening? Oh yeah, the hangover part. Man, my morning sucked!! I felt spacially disoriented and was really sweatty. I hope the girls plan on taking this evening off!!
This past Christmas, I went to my ex-girlfriends christmas party. It was a pretty cool party, they had an open bar, girls passing out drinks and cigars, and they put us up in a hotel room so we didn't have to drive anywhere afterwards. I drank Stoli's until I passed out on one of the tables and my girlfriend had to carry me up to the room.

The thing was, my daughter volunteered me to chaparone her field trip, which was the very next morning. So there I was, on about three hours sleep, still half-drunk from the night before, on a bouncing, rocking school bus, with about 30 screaming third graders trying to keep down my breakfast burrito.

I hate Christmas....

Originally posted by prime666
Td Dont be a pussy! go out have fun tonight, you only live once.

A star that burns twice as fast and only lives half the life is better than a star that lives twice as long at half the speed, or however that proverb goes. YOu have inspired me, I'm going to go get plowed. School doesn't start until an hour later tomorrow for some reason, so I don't have to go to work until 9. Thank god my students don't read this board.
Have a great time, but be careful! Hope you read this before "it's on"!
Try not to be too hungover in front of the students!
I ain't hitting the bricks until later this evening, when all the "young things" are out, if you know what I'm saying. I generally don't go out during the week, but lately, well lately, it is keeping me sane. As far as hangovers go, luckily, I teach with about 4 or 5 other boozehounds ( and my boss is my old favorite teacher and he knows me really well), so the students *know* the score. And we're the favorite teachers! ( I came into my room today and some freshman had written "Mr. Tatman is da shit" on my board, of course I made her erase it before an administrator came in and suspended her and fired me, but it was actually a nice sentiment dontcha think??)
English is my favorite subject--now that I'm not in high school. I didn't like high school. I was one of those non-popular, non-loser types. I was in between.
Social studies was okay, but I fuckin hated math!
That's really cool that you're a teacher! I was an English major for a while, but I don't want to teach. That's cool that you've got fans in your classroom!
I think I envy you, just a little...
It's been a while since I've been hungover at work. I always tend to destroy equipment when that happens....hmm, I wonder why...
Anyway, is it just me, or do other people love there music loud on a hangover? Not always, but a high proportion of the time. I suppose I am actually still drunk, wanting to here "Crush" cranked on my way to work....gotta like it!

What about that pic of Scott, Pearl & Roger Daltrey. I say far-fucking-out! The Who rules!

I am doomed.......
Yeah, I like cranking up the ANTHRAX music when I'm hungover...I don't know why. It has to be cranked WAY up.
It's almost like you're really sensitive to the noise, yet it's kind of relaxing at the same time, like a soothing massage to your brain.
I too was non-popular, but yet, not a loser. I was popular with the hellraisers though. And yes, i listen to anthrax when I'm hungover. Justin hates our government. I'm just waiting for Brat to chime in on this post. We've got lots of material here: hangovers at work, ty tatman fan graffitti, the government, my future wife, my partying habits, what am I doing tonite............I try to make this board entertaining :cool:
I know this isn't the "Ty Tatman Messageboard", but I do want to know how the evening goes.
Looking forward to tomorrow's threads-by-Ty,
When you say "physically preparing myself" do you mean what I think you mean?
(That scene from "Something About Mary")
Just kidding.
Have fun. Be safe.;)
:lol: No, no, no, although if you know are about to "get some" and you haven't had it in a while Dr. Tatman does suggest getting the "bullet out of the chamber" before you go out, you don't wanna impress your lady w/ a 3 minute blow-out:D Physically preparing means going out for a jog, to flush out last nights toxins, then eating mass quantities of vitamins and what not. Tea helps me ease my mind.
I take the night off and y'all run wild. :lol:

Hangovers at work: never done it. I don't drink anymore and when I did, I kept it to the weekends.

Fan Graffitti: Hey, why not??

The government: It sucks, but it's better than all the others in this world.

Ty's future wife: She's stupid for not marrying him yet.

Going out drinking: have one for me. Actually, have a few, it's been a while.

What y'all do before a date: that's your business and I don't wanna know it :lol:

Tea: Ick, but Bush drinks it so :) LOL

Popular in high school: Nope, not til that lesbian rumor started (yet another long story).

English: was always my favorite subject in school, but I was/am quite the bookworm.

Substitute teachers: Some are even cooler than your reg teachers. We had one who was a Holocaust survivor, and she would tell us stories even if she was subbing for science class. And in junior high, Mr. Royce, every girl in school had it bad for him, as we were just coming out of our "boys have the cooties" phase.

Oh and Ty, hope you got some!! :D :D

K did I miss anything??
Avoid the hangover...just stay drunk. ;)

I'm getting old...I used to be able to stay out until the wee hours, drinking pitcher and pitcher of beer, and then wake up and be at work on time, maybe still a little drunk, but never feeling like shit.

Now, I have two pints at 9 pm, it screws up my sleep, and I feel like crap at work all the next day. The day after Canada won the hockey gold medal, everyone...colleagues and patients alike, could tell that I had been out celebrating the night before. :eek:

I just need to get my tolerance back up...I'd better go have a drink now.