

Oct 30, 2008
yes! i finally got it!

iv'e tried listening to those guys quite a few times, and i never got what people find in their music... what's the hype? what am i missing here? :guh:

so i gave "from mars to sirius" another listen and now i get it!
it's fucking RAW and AWESOME!
soooooo good :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:

anyway, just sharing... have a nice day!
First enjoy this one. Then get The way of all flesh and The Link.

Funny you say that, I would probably recommend TWOAF to discover Gojira rather than FMTS, The Way... being in my absolute Gojira fan opinion a much more easy to listen album if it makes any sense (from a sonic and songwriting style, don't get me wrong I am a sucker for everything this band did :D )
I first got to know them through FMTS, and then TWOAF. after that, I understood that "The Link" is just as amazing, and in some ways even manages to surpass these two.
Yup, I thought they were a trendy band with a crap name until I heard them. Now I really dig em. Still think the name is a bit silly though.
Yeah the name is really old though and they started off young as fuck, so I'll let that slide. It took me a bit to get into this band. Saw a video of To Sirius, it looked interesting. Went down to my cd shop, listened to the whole record, didn't like it. Then my friend gave me a burned copy so I threw it on the ipod. It sat there until it hit on random shuffle one day, and boom. Instant massive Gojira fan. IMO they're the best thing going on in metal right now. Can't get enough. Kinda weird how it snuck up on me though.
I never understood it, and its still the same. Had a cd of em once, sold it, when i heard some samples it sounded cool. But those cool parts turned out to be the whole song the same. Ofc everyone is different, they are not my thing. Maybe if i took some effort... then again, if i would hear damn faggy One Direction all day, i might like it also... sorry for saying this :(. From the hand, i hated TBDM in the beginning, they all looked like some sort of homies/rappers back then, now i cant get enough.
i think it happened to me with almost every band i really love.

Pantera, LoG, Nevermore (the reason i'm on this forum), Trivium... hated them all when i first listened. all sounded like pure noise.
than after a while gave another try, and than... Bazinga! now i own some-entire discography of each of those bands
Yeah it's crazy how that can sneak up. Same thing happened to me with Opeth. Hated that band for a while. Saw them live even and thought they were boring as hell. Then one day I heard a part of one song with an acoustic riff, and within two weeks had all of their records and just became obsessed. One of my top 5 bands now for sure. Along with Gojira, Mastodon, Neurosis and Isis. Actually it took me a while to get into ALL of those bands.