

Jan 11, 2010
Brisbane, AUS
Hey, I'm pretty happy with what I'm listening to at the moment, but I was wondering what you guys would throw at me if I gave you some bands that I liked.

KEA/RTL Metallica
Judas Priest
Iron Maiden
Heaven & Hell
Deep Purple
Faith No More
The Offspring (particularly Ixnay/Ameri/Conspiri)
Rage Against The Machine
System Of A Down

I've already checked out Venom, Exodus, Overkill, Death Angel... they have SOME good stuff (Wrecking Crew, The Organisation, The Ultra-Violence) but not a tonne of it IMO. I love Annihilator's King Of The Kill, something with similar pace would be awesome but don't let that restrict you in your recs.

Cheers guys!
Metal Church - Self-Titled

Nuclear Assault

After you get acquainted with those, give these a listen...

Dark Angel
Mekong Delta
Rigor Mortis
Morbid Saint

Too lazy to list more...

Thrash Recommendations
Judas Priest, oh, wait, that's already on your list :p

What about Pantera? Or Motörhead? Papa Roach? Or am I thinking the wrong way?

Used to listen to Papa Roach quite a bit when I was younger, the only song I really like by them still is Blood Brothers. I forgot to put Pantera on my list, although I don't listen to them heavily because Phil's voice his a bit dodgey on some songs IMO :p Oh yeah, and how could I forget - We Are The Roadcrew, Jailbait, Ace Of Spades - some of the best songs ever. And their cover of Louie Louie is great.

Thanks though man haha :)

Also thanks to the second guy - I've been meaning to dl Kreator for a while now :) That list should take me a fair while.
Caecius, after all this time listening to Thrash now, I still haven't listened to those last 3. My favourite band now is definitely Death Angel... having said that my musical taste has kind of stagnated to the point where if I try faster thrash it's either really poorly produced (turns me off for the most part) or the arrangements are really boring. So here are some bands I'm digging at the moment:

Death Angel
Exodus (Tempo Of The Damned is one of the most brilliant thrash albums out...)
Flotsam and Jetsam (have only listened to their first album and a bit of the second though...)
Hirax seems pretty cool, haven't listened to too much though.
Testament (mainly just The Gathering but I love "Apocalyptic City" [reminds me of Metal Church's title track... which is also brilliant] from Legacy and some of Formation...)
Voivod (only listened to Katorz so far but really dug some of it)

I guess I'd like suggestions for more interesting thrash... either that or hit me up with a bunch of jazz or classical music... cause I'm interested in starting to listen to that shit too and I know that isn't too rare amongst some of the more involved metalheads...
Try Mekong Delta (they have already been mentioned in the third post) and you get interesting thrash plus some classical music, because on most of their albums you find at least one cover version of a classical piece of music, e.g. "The Hut Of Baba Yaga" from Mussorgsky's "Pictures At An Exhibition" on their eponymously titled debut, Mussorgsky's "Night On A Bare Mountain" on "Dances Of Death" and the "Allegro" from Shostakovich's Symphony no. 10 on "Lurking Fear". There's also a "Suite For Group And Orchestra" on "Visions Fugitives" and the title track of "Dances Of Death" was composed in the form of a rondo.

Other (IMO) interesting thrash albums:
Anacrusis - "Suffering Hour", "Reason"
Fear Of God - "Within The Veil" (maybe not a proper thrash album, but try it nevertheless)
Hades - "Resisting Success"
Hexenhaus - "A Tribute To Insanity" (I know I'm repeating myself)
Sieges Even - "Life Cycle" (anything they've released afterwards isn't thrash anymore, but interesting nevertheless, at least if you like some progressive stuff)
Toxik - "Think This"
Voivod - "Dimension Hatröss", "Nothingface"
Watchtower - "Control And Resistance"