Good earplugs


Mar 6, 2005
Milano, Italy
HI guys!!!!

Can you advice me on buying some good earplugs to protect my ears at loud reharsal with my band and to attend LOUD metal gigs?

I would like to buy something NOT like the yellow foamy soft kind, that usually cut brutally every high frequency leaving the hearing experience as a muffled one and I'm not into the personal ear cast because of the price and the process involved (I already know Etimotyc research plugs).

Any idea?

Alpine musicsafe. Much better than the yellow foam things I think. Still cuts highs, but it's better than going deaf. If I forget to bring my earplugs to a concert I put tioletpaper in my ears (seriously). Often it's just so fucking loud that my ears literally hurt without plugs. I think having the music that loud kind of defeats the purpose.
Don't fuck around with shitty ear-plugs, any of the Etymonic's are good and the customs are definately worth the investment. You don't want to get tinnitus (trust me) or serious hearing loss just because the ear plugs were a little too expensive. Once you damage your hearing there is no going back.
Hammer Bart said:
Alpine musicsafe. Much better than the yellow foam things I think. Still cuts highs, but it's better than going deaf. If I forget to bring my earplugs to a concert I put tioletpaper in my ears (seriously). Often it's just so fucking loud that my ears literally hurt without plugs. I think having the music that loud kind of defeats the purpose.

I recommend the Alpine musicsafe also. I've got the violet filters for rehearse and live.:headbang:
Razorjack said:
Don't fuck around with shitty ear-plugs, any of the Etymonic's are good and the customs are definately worth the investment. You don't want to get tinnitus (trust me) or serious hearing loss just because the ear plugs were a little too expensive. Once you damage your hearing there is no going back.

You're right, Razor. I'm searching for something good for this exact motive.

I just don't know where the hell I can do the inner mould cast for my ears here in Italy so for now I'm looking around for something good but the inner cast.

I have a good hearing at the moment and I know because two years ago I got a cerume (wax) cap in my left ear and I lost temporarily 100% of hearing in that ear! FRIGHTENING! Even the balance got out of the way, not to mention the altered perception of space and depth around me.

I got my ear cleansed and checked by a doctor (he dug out all the wax -a LOT, like two full coffe spoons- with a little funnel and spoon) and I still had all my abilities intact. Whew....
Fabbio said:
I got my ear cleansed and checked by a doctor (he dug out all the wax -a LOT, like two full coffe spoons- with a little funnel and spoon) and I still had all my abilities intact. Whew....
:zombie: :puke:
Fabbio said:
I got my ear cleansed and checked by a doctor (he dug out all the wax -a LOT, like two full coffe spoons- with a little funnel and spoon) and I still had all my abilities intact. Whew....

I just knew there was some kind of special ingredient you guys put in your coffee. ;)

I'd be interested in where to get some decent plugs in the UK if anyone knows?

Razorjack said:
You don't want to get tinnitus (trust me)

Oh I do !!! :ill: I have to listen to classical music to get to sleep now if by mistake I concentrate on the ringing I recently gained... :erk: Maybe I should analyze it and work on relative pitch, that would maybe give me some kind of tricked perfect pitch earing :Smug:
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Oh I do !!! :ill: I have to listen to classical music to get to sleep now if by mistake I concentrate on the ringing I recently gained... :erk: Maybe I should analyze it and work on relative pitch, that would maybe give me some kind of tricked perfect pitch earing :Smug:

How long have you had this? I don't have to listen to music anymore but my noise has turned into hissing now, which is much easier to live with.
Even though I ALWAYS wear earplugs in rehearsals or gigs, I grew this kind of low noise in the ears over the years. Then it became worst after I went to the dentist for a tartar removal. The guy was using these ultrasonics and it was really painful to my ears (and my gingiva btw). He said "Come on, you can't hear that", but I could and it was very painful. The next days I had a terrible ringing (that decreased after a few days but didn't leave). I was really angry as you can guess !!! 15 years of protection screwed because of a tartar removal !!! And this has become worst a few monthes ago while I was doing FOH for a band's residence for 8 days in a row, 8 hours a day (I wore the plugs but not all the time obviously)... Now if I focus I can even percieve it in a quiet street (if no cars are passing by or something). :(
I got a pair of Etymotic ER-15's custom moulded ooo, about 3 years ago now. I think they cost me about £150 in total, but it was worth every penny and they're still going strong. My ears start ringing at the drop of a hat, so when I was rehearsing with a drummer three times a week, or when I go to a gig, I love the fact that I take the earplugs out and my ears are barely affected at all.

> I just don't know where the hell I can do the inner mould cast for my ears
> here in Italy so for now I'm looking around for something good but the inner
> cast.

All you have to do is go to any audiologist and they can make a mould. For lazy people like me it's easiest if you pick an audiologist who can also send it off to the manufacturer and perform a quick test when it comes back (the custom moulds actually take a little bit of practise to insert properly). But I'm fairly sure you can just take the mould from the audiologist and send it off yourself if you have to.