Good "Heavy" Classical/Orchestral Music


May 31, 2004
Atlanta 'burbs
What orchestral music are you guys into that could be labeled as "heavy" ?

Vivaldi's "Winter" and Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries" are two of my favorites. They have a certain epic/heavy feel to em.

What else fits into this vibe that you like?
Tchaikovsky: 1812 Overture
Mussorgsky: Night on Bald Mountain
Mozart's Requiem, Dies Irae (one of my favorite classical pieces, it's so epic!)
Carl Orff's Carmina Burana, O Fortuna
^^ GOD DAMN Dies Irae is so unbelievably epic. Good call!

Check out Hector Berlioz's "Fantastic Symphony", ESPECIALLY the middle section of V. Read the Wikipedia about the meaning of the arrangement. Dark and epic as hell. Not as playful as Vivaldi & co. though. If Vivaldi is the In Flames of Classical, Berlioz is the Opeth.
I'm not sure if it would be considered classical, but Hans Zimmer's works are usually quite epic..he is one of the better modern film composers in my opinion.
I would say most of mozart's requiem, listen to lacrimosa for that one little extra touch, he died while he was writing on that one after all.
Krzysztof Penderecki’s St Luke Passion is the most eerie choral work I've listened to ever! Scary, heavy, bombastic, eerie and full of life. Penderecki is famous for his music on Stanley Kubrick's film 'THE SHINING'.

Every time I try to explain to somebody that most classical music is actually very close to metal, they just stare at me, wide eyed. XD
Good thread btw, gonna have to check out most of this shit. Keep it up!
Anyone ever heard of Allan Pettersson? Many people consider his 6th symphony to be the darkest piece of music ever written. His style is tonal but extremely dark and dissonant. His 7th is great too, not QUITE as dark but a little more "accessible".

AND he (was) Swedish!
Bartok - String Quartet No. 2 (esp. 2nd mvmt)

Hell, MOST Bartok is great listening for metalheads, but I highly recommend the string quartets. My favorite performance is by the Emerson String Quartet. From there, Concerto for Orchestra, Music for Strings Percussion and Celeste, The Miraculous Mandarin, Bluebeard's Castle, and the Cantata Profana. Bombast, creepiness, emotion... excellent stuff!
Anyone ever heard of Allan Pettersson? Many people consider his 6th symphony to be the darkest piece of music ever written. His style is tonal but extremely dark and dissonant. His 7th is great too, not QUITE as dark but a little more "accessible".

AND he (was) Swedish!

Sorry to bump this thread, but I've been looking for this and I can't find it anywhere. Could you PM a link please?
Sorry to bump this thread, but I've been looking for this and I can't find it anywhere. Could you PM a link please?

I don't know of a download link anywhere, but you can buy the 6th on amazon:


And someone has uploaded the seventh onto youtube (in five parts):
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