Metal vs Classical Music

I wish you had read more carefully or could understand what I wrote..
"It actually is very important, complexity I mean. And to a degree it is the case in metal too, a song's structure, complexity, amount of work put onto it etc matters a lot."
I wonder how you are going to put those stuff you blabbered into music, without thinking in a complex subtle way. It isnt that simple to write a lead like E-D-F-E-A-F and repeat it all over and claim that it is deeply sewed with thoughts and stuff.

The amount of work behind a piece does not show in complexity, there can be months of work behind the simplest of songs.
I'm not saying you shouldn't like complexity in music, some people like it and others don't. What i'm saying is that you state it as a simple fact that it's the only way for music to be sophisticated. And I'm not saying that you should think that music has to be packed with supposed emotions... that is just how i like it.
And for the lead comment: you can't really explain what in music wakes emotions, some times it can be as simple as a lead repeating over and over.
I'm not talking about satriani bending strings making a grimace and calling his solos super-emotional, but then again there's people who hear the emotions behind it, all i hear is wankery...that's why music is a subjective matter and nothing else.
if you think listening to Opeth takes a lot of attention then you're just proving my point. Opeth is a more nuanced than most metal but their entire discography isn't as nuanced, emotive, or scopious as a single Shostakovich symphony. and your point breaks down when you consider the fact that 95% of the 'attentive' Opeth fans on this board also love completely awful embarrassing garbage like Dream Theater and Disillusion and Isis and Korpiklaani
See, there's this wonderful new thing called communication. Unfortunately, it takes two people to hold a discussion. One to articulate, and one to read or listen - attentively.

I wasn't comparing Opeth to Shostakovich. I was stating that, compared to most people you'll meet who listen to what's on the radio or playing in clubs, Opeth fans tend to be much less prone to musical ADHD. Go find someone on the street and try having a musical discussion with them. You'll probably end up smacked because you don't like Blur and Kings of Leon :lol:

Anyway, I can't be bothered reading snooty comments about whose musical tastes are superior. Fact is, I don't care. People will always listen to what they like regardless of what some snobbish dork with an errection for nuance and scope thinks is superior. Maybe they're just not real music lovers. Wouldn't break my heart if I'm not.
if you think listening to Opeth takes a lot of attention then you're just proving my point. Opeth is a more nuanced than most metal but their entire discography isn't as nuanced, emotive, or scopious as a single Shostakovich symphony. and your point breaks down when you consider the fact that 95% of the 'attentive' Opeth fans on this board also love completely awful embarrassing garbage like Dream Theater and Disillusion and Isis and Korpiklaani

The problem is not your musical taste, ofcourse you think your music taste is superior to others...i mean why wouldn't you? It's yours!
The problem is that you can't step out of our isolated cranium and think beyond first impressions and written ways of sophistication.
I've said it before, it's your own race, it's nothing you can compete in knowledge with, the only one you can "compete" with is yourself, people do evolve in music towards what they're ultimate searching for, but it's a parallel evolution, no matter how educated you feel you can't tell people what to think, it's subjective.