Good kung fu movies and something else.......thread

Jan 6, 2006
In the land of ice and snow
So I was looking some old and new kung-fu and samurai movies.
Everyone knows Jet Li, Jackie Chan and Bruce Li
so I´m looking something more classic.

Something like this
What about the iron monkey the movie?
I guess that one is a classic one! And a great movie too!
First of all, 'Shogun Assassin' is a Samurai movie, and there are a great deal of classic kung fu movies starring Jackie Chan (Drunken Master, Spiritual Kung Fu...) and Jet Li (Tai-Chi Master, Swordsman), though they are not well-known.

also Definitely check out:

Five Deadly Venoms
Brave Archer 1-3
Crippled Avengers-Mortal Combat
One-Armed Swordsman
Master of the Flying Guillotine
36 Chambers-Master Killer
The Mystery of Chessboxing-Ninja Checkmate

that should get you started...
End of Your Days said:

Yeap good movie.:kickass:
What about the iron monkey the movie?
I guess that one is a classic one! And a great movie too!
Haven´t seen that. must check sometimes.

Five Deadly Venoms
Brave Archer 1-3
Crippled Avengers-Mortal Combat
One-Armed Swordsman
Master of the Flying Guillotine
36 Chambers-Master Killer
The Mystery of Chessboxing-Ninja Checkmate

Thanx. Hope I find some of those.:)
Death Animal said:
So I was looking some old and new kung-fu and samurai movies.
Everyone knows Jet Li, Jackie Chan and Bruce Li
so I´m looking something more classic.

Something like this

I read the comic of this.
salient said:
John Woo's early films like: "Hand of the Death", The Last Hurrah for Chivalry.
Samo Hung's "Magnificent butcher", Yueng woo ping's "Drunken Master" of course check films by Shaw brothers. :headbang:
Agreed, Salient.

Some of the best kung fu movies are Shaw Bros.

5 Deadly Venoms
Crippled Avengers
3 Evil Masters
Death Chambers
Master Killer
The Heroic Ones
The Kid With The Golden Arm
Masked Avengers
Brave Archer 1-3
Fists of the White Lotus...
Shogun Assassin is trash, if you like that you really must see the Lone Wolf & Cub film series. Shogun Assassin was poorly edited down from the first two films, you can rewatch the first two and it will be completely new to you, for the most part, and then continue on for the other four.
Chromatose said:
Shogun Assassin is trash, if you like that you really must see the Lone Wolf & Cub film series. Shogun Assassin was poorly edited down from the first two films, you can rewatch the first two and it will be completely new to you, for the most part, and then continue on for the other four.
I prefer the Zatoichi Blind Swordsman movies....
Watch Street Fighter and Return of Street Fighter, starring Sonny Chiba. That guy is insane in da membrane.

BasilisK said:
Black Belt Jones!
Big Bad Brothas to the rescue!!

You sir, are a genius.
I'm not sure if it's considered a "kung fu" movie, but I stumbled upon this film Chinese film known as "Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky." It's a flick that's from China in the early '90's, and it is 100% completely anti-capitalism propaganda. It's actually banned in America because of it's messages, but if you can find the flick on the web and watch it, you will be in for a serious treat. The stunts are ludicrous and 90% of the scenes are so over the top that I can't help but laugh my ass off. The effects are worthy of something from the late '70's and the plot is thinner than a pr0n, but it's such a blast to watch.

And if you can't find that, check out "Big Trouble in Little China." Kurt Russell for the win
NegativeVolume said:
I'm not sure if it's considered a "kung fu" movie, but I stumbled upon this film Chinese film known as "Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky." It's a flick that's from China in the early '90's, and it is 100% completely anti-capitalism propaganda.
I have seen that, one of my favorites probably.
Someone mentioned Lone Wolf and Cub, I've never seen it but the comic it's based on is great.

Classic samurai movies...Definitely the Seven Samurai and Yojimbo, by Akira Kurosawa.

When The Last Sword is Drawn is a good one too.

And then there's Versus...
Silver Incubus said:
has anyone here seen jackie chan's spiritual kung fu? It is pretty hillarious and has some really intense fight scenes.
think I mentioned that in my first post :Smug:

You should also check out 'Close Encounters of the Spooky kind' with Sammo Hung, which is equally intense/funny :)
Let's not forget the good ol' Bruce Lee movies, The Chinese Connection and Enter the Dragon.

-Fists of Fury was crap.
-Return of the Dragon has Chuck Norris in it.
-Only the last 20 minutes of Game of Death are worth it.