OT: Favorite movies and albums...

Mountain King

The lord is my pants
Nov 3, 2004
Downers Grove, IL
I'll kill two birds with this thread. I'm always on a quest for new movies and music so I'm curious as to what everybody's 5 favorite movies are and also what are some of your favorite releases of recent times (I don't need to know that you love Operation Mindcrime..I'm looking for stuff I may not have heard of).
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Shawshank Redemption
The Exorcist

King Diamond - The Puppet Master
Novembers Doom - The Pale Haunt Departure
Candlemass - S/T
Machine Men - Elegies
Wolf - The Black Flame

(only criteria I used was thinking of my favorite albums from the past couple of years, and these were the first that came to mind. Kind of a tough question if you ask me...)
right now....current music...

1. Crystal Eyes - Dead City Dreaming
2. Heavenly - Virus
3. Wuthering Hieghts - the shadow cabinet
4. Cresant Sheild - Last of my Kind
5. Sabaton - Attero Dominatus
6. TYR- Erik the Red

for current things I have seen in the past few months movie wise....

1. Carndiru - really great film about the 1992 Brazilian prision riot. Imagine a spanish version of Oz. Very colorful characters and great storytelling. Knowing it is all going to get bad soon the suspense just build and builds. It is unbeleiveable to see the filth that that place was..makes you never want to do anything wrong to have to go to a place not even as bad as that place was. I cant say enough how good this film is.

2. Paradise Now- really interesting and funny film about two "human bomb" muslims who get picked to go next and blow themselves up and kill as many of the enemy as possible and become martyrs. It is a very interesting look at a side of life that we never see. basically two slacker muslims who get high and are slackers basically get pulled into a world of lies. this one had me on the edge of my seat. cant say enough how good this film is.

3. The Tunnel - great film about the great escape from germany once it was split in two. basically a few families get seperated and basically these few people create a grand scheme to get their loved ones out of Germany and into saftey. Basically constructing a huge tunnel going right under neath the 3 Reich. It is nearly three hours and it keeps you wanting more. never a dull moment. true story too.

4. The Host - got this on DVD a month back before it hit theaters. Great film. the way monster films should be done. The humans are more than food for the creature. Things are explained well and makes sense. Very downbeat film too. see it in theaters now.

5. Dead Mans Shoes - great film about an ex-soilders return home to find out that a bunch of local thugs were screwing with is slower brother while he was away. much revenge happens. very strong film.

these are all stuff I have seen currently....
right now....current music...

1. Crystal Eyes - Dead City Dreaming
2. Heavenly - Virus
3. Wuthering Hieghts - the shadow cabinet
4. Cresant Sheild - Last of my Kind
5. Sabaton - Attero Dominatus

for current things I have seen in the past few months movie wise....

1. Carndiru - really great film about the 1992 Brazilian prision riot. Imagine a spanish version of Oz. Very colorful characters and great storytelling. Knowing it is all going to get bad soon the suspense just build and builds. It is unbeleiveable to see the filth that that place was..makes you never want to do anything wrong to have to go to a place not even as bad as that place was. I cant say enough how good this film is.

2. Paradise Now- really interesting and funny film about two "human bomb" muslims who get picked to go next and blow themselves up and kill as many of the enemy as possible and become martyrs. It is a very interesting look at a side of life that we never see. basically two slacker muslims who get high and are slackers basically get pulled into a world of lies. this one had me on the edge of my seat. cant say enough how good this film is.

3. The Tunnel - great film about the great escape from germany once it was split in two. basically a few families get seperated and basically these few people create a grand scheme to get their loved ones out of Germany and into saftey. Basically constructing a huge tunnel going right under neath the 3 Reich. It is nearly three hours and it keeps you wanting more. never a dull moment. true story too.

4. The Host - got this on DVD a month back before it hit theaters. Great film. the way monster films should be done. The humans are more than food for the creature. Things are explained well and makes sense. Very downbeat film too. see it in theaters now.

5. Dead Mans Shoes - great film about an ex-soilders return home to find out that a bunch of local thugs were screwing with is slower brother while he was away. much revenge happens. very strong film.

these are all stuff I have seen currently....

I notice a few films here are foreign films, probably a dumb question but are these films subtitled or overdubbed in english? I hate reading subtitles while watching a film, more ofteh than not I'm doing other things while watching a movie.

I had no clue about Heavenly had any new releases out, I'm not really into power metal anymore but once in a while I put their debut on and I love it but then I forget about them and the album.
I notice a few films here are foreign films, probably a dumb question but are these films subtitled or overdubbed in english? I hate reading subtitles while watching a film, more ofteh than not I'm doing other things while watching a movie.

almost all are subtitled....sorry that you hate reading while watching moving pictures. I know what you mean while doing other things while watching movies. I do that if it is a film I dont really care to much about, but if it is something that I realy want to see...I give it my fullest attention. Itis like saying I got a great new disc to listen to, but I am going to have it on while I have the TV on and vaccum the carpet. You wont get the fullest effect from it. I have seen films and hated it due to my mood are just not paying attention to it, then later see it again and end up loving it.
I notice a few films here are foreign films, probably a dumb question but are these films subtitled or overdubbed in english? I hate reading subtitles while watching a film, more ofteh than not I'm doing other things while watching a movie.

I had no clue about Heavenly had any new releases out, I'm not really into power metal anymore but once in a while I put their debut on and I love it but then I forget about them and the album.

The past two Heavenly disc are outstanding...they really tightened up and made some really catchy as hell speed power metal. I actually gave up on them years ago but got the last one used last year after the first few songs I was hooked. Imagine Gamma Ray on speed. that is where they are at now.
almost all are subtitled....sorry that you hate reading while watching moving pictures. I know what you mean while doing other things while watching movies. I do that if it is a film I dont really care to much about, but if it is something that I realy want to see...I give it my fullest attention. Itis like saying I got a great new disc to listen to, but I am going to have it on while I have the TV on and vaccum the carpet. You wont get the fullest effect from it. I have seen films and hated it due to my mood are just not paying attention to it, then later see it again and end up loving it.

Yeah I do try to select movies based on my mood, I agree that if you're not in the mood for a certain type of movie you're going to hate it no matter how good it is. I generally also try to select movies I'm going to watch at a given time based on how much focus I can give it, for example a comedy or something that isn't too hard to follow I'll probably watch while at work or watch while doing other things.

I'll probably end up checking out those films but it seems like my time to where I can sit down and do nothing but focus on a movie is so limited..ugh..I hate it.

I agree with you on an album, although I often times find myself getting distracted by the music, I really get into my music and end up being a lost cause when listening to a kickass CD.
It has its moments, but long gone now for a while from EDGUY are the "epicness" in their songs.

They gave up a lot of their "power" in favor of hard rock.
They pull it off well, but I miss their older sound.

Just my opinion.

I'm probably in the minority but I don't think Edguy made a really good power metal/epic metal band, they make a much better cock rock band and I love the straight forward rock stuff they've done on Hellfire Club and Rocket Ride.
I'm probably in the minority but I don't think Edguy made a really good power metal/epic metal band, they make a much better cock rock band and I love the straight forward rock stuff they've done on Hellfire Club and Rocket Ride.

Both HF and RR have some great tracks.
I just don't care for the cock rock approach.

Do you like other hard rock though? Or is it more acceptable coming from a power metal band? Serious question. The reason I ask is because I know there are plenty of Edguy fans who claim to like Rocket Ride, yet would probably hate the album if the band name on the record was Poison, Ratt, or Warrant. (Not saying it sounds exactly like those bands, but you get the point)
I most definitely have their other stuff. I love just about all of their albums, but I like the later (LGOTS and beyond) stuff a little more. I guess a part in it is that I usually don't like long songs.

I really dig Like Gods of the Sun too. Lots of people dog that album, I think because of the heavy useage of clean vocals.

I will probably pass on the Edguy show. If they were playing with another band I like, I might have considered it more, or if I liked their newer album better. Would be cool to see them headline, but I have seen them once before, and that satisfied me enough. They are a great live band.
Both HF and RR have some great tracks.
I just don't care for the cock rock approach.

Do you like other hard rock though? Or is it more acceptable coming from a power metal band? Serious question. The reason I ask is because I know there are plenty of Edguy fans who claim to like Rocket Ride, yet would probably hate the album if the band name on the record was Poison, Ratt, or Warrant. (Not saying it sounds exactly like those bands, but you get the point)

Yeah I'm a fan of the cock rock stuff in general...although like Power metal my interest in it has gone south over the years.