Your favorite movie and why.

I would like to know what everyone heres favorite movie is, I like movies that are different and try to accomplish something rather than just rake in the box office money. I figure you musically-inclined people will have good taste in movies and not say "Err, I know what you did last summer because J. Love has huge tits!" Anyways.. I don't have an actual FAVORITE, but I like a lot of different movies.
I'm inclined to say Tigerland, because it has such a cool story, very unlike any such movie I've ever seen. I normally hate war movies, but the idea of going into the training camp was great!!! And the actual cinematography is great, such a wonderful break from the usual big-budget special eefects-laden hollywood style.

Either that or Almost Heroes, which never fails to make me laugh my ass off!!
Here are some of my favorites:
  • The Shawshank Redemption
  • The Green Mile
  • Fight Club
  • Memento
  • Pi
  • Requiem for a Dream
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
I like Useful Idiots taste in movies!!
My favorites include
Braveheart (gotta love the medievil war movies!)
Hamlet (just saw this, quite good)
Reqieum for a Dream (

Fight Club, Contact ( :rolleyes: ), Run Lola RUn, and Memento are all pretty high up on the ranks as well
Requiem for a Dream is amazing. They should show that in schools to spearhead their anti-drug campaign.

My favourite ever would probably be a more recent movie... American Beauty, Being John Malkovich, Man on the Moon, Fight Club, and The Truman Show would be the candidates. However, I have a feeling that if I saw Fight Club a few more times, it just might take it. Requiem for a Dream would rank as well, although for the most part I never want to see that movie again. It was just that... it's amazing. Everybody should see it.

I also have an affinity for Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, I love the Monty Python movies much, and South Park the movie was brilliant. It's too bad it'll probably never get credit for how clever it actually is.
- Leaving Las Vegas
- Fargo
- Pulp Fiction
- Under Suspicion
- Shawshank Redemption
- Jackie Brown
- Living In Oblivion
- Festen
- ...

B-Horror Movies
- Robot Monster (the best "worst" movie I´ve ever seen)
- Invisible Ghost
- Bride of the Monster
- Killer Klowns From Outer Space
- ...
One of my all-time favourites is Braveheart, most likely because I have a soft spot for medieval stuff and Scotch accent. :)

Others that have made an impression on me:

  • Stargate
  • The Green Mile
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey and the sequel 2010 ("Oh my God, it's full of stars!")

I could go on.. ;)
:lol: The Green Mile? There were quite a number of flaws in that movie, such as the fact that all the policemen do is sit around and chase mice. The guy had the initials J.C. (Jesus Christ?). The flies-out-of-the-mouth thing is a bit cheesy....There were some good things in the movie...the basic plot had a number of surprises, but I wouldn't call it a classic.


My favorites:

Fight Club
Requiem for a Dream
American Beauty
The Gladiator (what can I say? I love the character Maximus)
Saving Private Ryan (normally I have a real problem with Tom Hanks, as he took part in movies like The Green Mile and Cast Away, but this one is really good)

(have a number of movies on my list-to-see, also, such as Apocalypse Now, Run Lola Run, Trainspotting, Pi, Magnolia)
Orchid, you ever read the books "2001: A Space Oyessey" and "2010: Second Odyssey" as well as the two sequels, 2061 and 3001? They are all amazing. Better than the movies, I would say. You also get a better idea of what is going on if you read the books.