Good luck on the tour ANTHRAX!!!


Apr 4, 2005
Well, here is your headlining tour... It is a bit short, but hopefully it will kick ass... I passed when you came to Lowell MA with priest because I was waiting on the headlining tour.. I wasn't too interested in seeing you open (Especially since I do not like Juda Priest). Not to mention the Sox were in a crucial playoff game (little did I know). Hopefully this line-up has Atleast one more album coming up with a proper tour.

Anyway... GO KICK SOME ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am very anxious to see 'thrax on tour. I got my tix, gas in the van, and me and about 5 of my buddies are going to check ya out soon! I saw Athrax on the Stomp 442 tour with Pantera and stuff, and that was killer. Very memorable. Hope this one is too, wait, I KNOW it will be! ARRGGHH!! METAL!!!!!
MadeInNewJersey said:
All I ask for is 90 minutes of ass-kicking, take-no-prisoners classic Anthrax, since I didn't get the chance back in the '80s.

Saturday night can't get here fast enough.

It's been a LOOOONG time comin for me.... I haven't seen them since the SOWN tour... Almost saw them open for The Crue but then all the shit happened...
tomass74 said:
Well, here is your headlining tour... It is a bit short, but hopefully it will kick ass... I passed when you came to Lowell MA with priest because I was waiting on the headlining tour.. I wasn't too interested in seeing you open (Especially since I do not like Juda Priest). Not to mention the Sox were in a crucial playoff game (little did I know). Hopefully this line-up has Atleast one more album coming up with a proper tour.

Anyway... GO KICK SOME ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dude, as much as I do not like this line-up, I still went to the Montreal show with Priest. It just goes to show that the BushTrax supporters are the true source of income & future for this band. With all due respect, let's end this flop of a tour and get back with the real band. It's time to move on!
Way to go dickhead!! Just had to go and ruin a positive thread... Just because I skipped that show doesn't mean I don't support the band.. They have gotten plenty of $$ from me in past shows, tapes and CD's and DVDs... How much fucking money do you think Priest would have given them from my one ticket??? Go fuck yourself....

EDIT: I also was banking that they would come through my area on a headlining tour..
I'm curious to hear how tighter, if any, they sound. The last place I saw them was at Jaxx and that was a good show but I just hate the venue. It doesn't have good sound or house equipment. I've never been to the place where they're playing at tonight but I've heard that they have good gear there and good sound.

I'm going to this show because this band kicks ass and I always have a good time when I go to a thrax show. Even the one a few years ago when Bush went crazy at some fan and jumped at him into the pit.

I see walkingdude's point in that Bushthrax supporters are more loyal to the band. I have the luxury of having the kind of job where I can make my own schedule and make a 4 day weekend so that I can go to an Anthrax show in a different city. I travel alot though. Not just for going to shows, but for just seeing friends in different cities or work related.

I've seen the reunited Anthrax two times now. At the Sayreville gig and at the Springfield Jaxx gig.
walking dead 666 said:
Dude, as much as I do not like this line-up, I still went to the Montreal show with Priest. It just goes to show that the BushTrax supporters are the true source of income & future for this band. With all due respect, let's end this flop of a tour and get back with the real band. It's time to move on!

LOL I saw 5 Bush era shows, and I definately enjoy every bit of the reunion! I hope this will be the permanent line up soon!
Yes, I have also went to see the Bush Era Anthrax..... Still not sure what walkingdildo666's point is...
walking dead 666 said:
Dude, as much as I do not like this line-up, I still went to the Montreal show with Priest. It just goes to show that the BushTrax supporters are the true source of income & future for this band. With all due respect, let's end this flop of a tour and get back with the real band. It's time to move on!

What an ass.

How does this forum possibly deal with all these idiots posting here?
They already have done that with the current lineup...

almost a year later and the "saint-thrax" nut-huggers are still in denial:grin: ....the other lineup was good but not as great as what Ive seen on this tour live

walking dead 666 said:
It's time to move on!