Good music to listen to when you're depressed?

I used to listen to ska when i was depressed... I tried doing that recently and i felt like throwing my cd player out of the window.... Angry music helps me feel better. If i am angry i listen to faster songs. It helps me get pumped and i end up feeling better. Ravenous by Arch enemy works well for me there. If i am sad i like mellower music... Anathema works well there... and certain slower metal songs.. OR radiohead... It really depends what i have handy
Whenever i do play metal people automatically assume i am depressed. I am getting sick of this false sympathy and their idiotic ideals. Can't a guy listen to a death growl without being depressed? Thats why i don't always listen to metal when depressed... But as i posted before i have those bands... I am listening to "one last goodbye" right now (not depressed just wanted to listen to it) and the lyrics are amazing... They really incite emotions... :rock: lol
_Zsuzsa_ said:
in my sorrow...anathema...helps me cry and I need it in peace my friend Teemu...

I feel your Pain I too have have lost a dear friend recently.....R.I.P. Z

I found that savatage Alone you breathe Helped me cry...........I know It FUCKING SUCKS and its not fair but be strong
JonnyD said:
I feel your Pain I too have have lost a dear friend recently.....R.I.P. Z

I found that savatage Alone you breathe Helped me cry...........I know It FUCKING SUCKS and its not fair but be strong

Yeah, fucking totally sucks...but it is more easier after you cry out all of your sorrow and tears. It helps you accept things that are unacceptable. Such as death...

And yeah, Sentenced is a good depressive band also..
_Zsuzsa_ said:
Yeah, fucking totally sucks...but it is more easier after you cry out all of your sorrow and tears. It helps you accept things that are unacceptable. Such as death...

It is VERY true the more you cry not that its easier the better you feel...... Death as we all know is part of life does not mean we have to like it ...... you just have to belive that they are in a better place I know my friend Zarod is in a better place And is not suffering anymore.....But it still totally Sucks.......With time the pain fades but the memories of good times shared never will!
Skepticism-Lead and Aether, Ethere
Beyond Dawn-Pity Love
King Crimson-In the Court of the Crimson King
Tom Waits-Alice
Anathema-Serenades, Alternative 4
Katatonia-Discouraged Ones, Brave Murder Day, Tonight's Decision
My Dying Bride-Turn Loose the Swans
Burzum-Hvis Lysett Tar Oss, Filosofem (especially the ambient tracks)
Barber-Adagion for Strings
Beethoven-Moonlight Sonata
When depressed I despise as well musik, & wish silence!
Though I found 3 albums that bring me back to infernal_listenings, it works each time >

Profanum - Profanum Aeternum - Eminence of Satanic Imperial Art
Profanum - Musaeum Hermeticum
Profanum - Misanthropia Floris