Oh dear. Like I said; it's a rant. I was bored, happened to read a comment or two that I've read a few billion times now, couldn't help rolling my eyes and post. Never did I imagine it would bore straight into the hearts of so many a metalhead, but I guess I should have.
My point, which is what I do take sort of seriously because I don't really suffer fools gladly, would have been, had I actually been in a "let's make a point" mood, that I find it interesting (nay, indeed, silly) that people stop listening to bands because of what the people in the bands do or say; fine if you don't like the musical direction they're taking, that's down to individual taste, but using arguments like "they are greedy" as a reason why they suck is really not valid in my opinion. I like Iced Earth, I think Jon Schaffer is a fucking moron who should glue his mouth shut. Doesn't prevent me from listening to his band, though. Same with lots of other acts. So, the point: nevermind the people, listen to the music. Now, in Metallica's case, I happen to still like the music (and yes! Low Man's Lyric too! Even though some of the people I respect and admire most in the world hate it! Because I'm that much smarter than them! Oh yes, that's really it!). And if anyone takes me taking that somewhat seriously so seriously as to actually be offensive, well then, be my guest.
But then again, I should know there's no point in mentioning that I (gasp! shock! horror! etc.!) like the band, or indeed even bring them up on a board, as people tend to get all pissy about it.
And now I've honoured this petty trifle with a much longer post than it deserves, so I'll go and have cake and coffe.
NP: Viikate - Vesi jota pelkäät