It's about fucking time you replied.
This is just a personal war of yours because you are just jealous of me

I seriously have tears in my eyes over that... it made me laugh so hard. I am jealous of you...??

That's great.
No i dont see anyone here who likes they most recent work, the fact alone its proof that the whole stupid metal scene is gone to hell and it wont accept change, because stupid little forums like this represent the elitism of big mouth assholes like you, while outside in the real life ill say more than half of the DT fans like the newer stuff better, thats a goddamn fact imho but if you cannot see beyond your fucking nose it is not my problem, you are welcome among your kind here and the persons with a perception of reality like myself minimize or stop all togheter all their posting like i am doing atm.
Your arrogance does nothing to reinforce your character or credibility Misanthrope.
You need to aim this at someone other that me, because i don't even like their old works. I am not one of those people that will flame a band for changing... to tell you the truth, i own new metallica, new megadeth, and new slayer... all sub par albums, but they are just trying something different. *shrug*
metallica being a sold out band and Dark Tranquility being art
Metallica has neither sold out, and Dark Tranquillity is far from Art... you are mistaken, and blinded by your lack of perception, and your blind following of DT.
...And you don't need to justify your opeth comment to me, for i don't like all of opeths releases... and to tell you the truth, i mainly got into the band because of the acoustics... so your comment is negated, obsolete, and infantile.
I dont think that DT makes a fucking dime, and in fact they risk all their status with each relase putting the band in danger, thats called artistic integrity and Freedom of expression
I never made reference to the amount of money DT makes, nor did i say that they sold out (how could they, they always sucked, in my books anyway). Tell me Misanthrope, if metallica gained commercial success, and multi-million dollar status with ...And Justice For All... you would still have the same views, right? That is truly sad. I don't care how much money a band makes,, and the fact that you DO care about money, means that you are a closed minded elitist, as i have said all along. I like a band for their music, not their bank accounts, unlike you apparently.
i wont reply to inferior beings like yourself
Like i said, arrogance does not become anyone, especially not an insecure fool like yourself. You are just digging your grave deeper with your obnoxious flames!
if you are not banned and generally hated as much as jannet then this forum is beneath me and you are all a bunch of inferior little monkeys who do not deserve even my shit.
That's right Misanthrope, anyone who has a different opinion to your arrogant ramblings should be BANNED and SILENCED. Thats how it works isn't it?? I'm sorry mate, but you are below me. I refuse to subscribe to your elitist mentality, and i refuse to like DT< simply for the fact that they are nothing special, and they are not a personal preference of mine. Simply because i do not like DT, you are saying that i am 'inferior' to you... and yet again, this proves your arrogance, and also gives good reason for the lack of respect that you get around here.
-Trapped (still laughing about the 'jealous' comment
