Good news for Candlemass fans...


Utopian Blaster
Oct 6, 2005
The Fens
In a conversation with the label Nuclear Blast, Messiah Marcolin has agreed to sing on the upcoming Candlemass album. It will happen sometime in sep/oct. Some contractual stuff has to be sorted out first, but things look very promising at the moment.

Leif: I’m glad to hear it. Whatever problems Messiah have, I’m sure they can be solved for the benefit of the album. It really kills and the fans deserve to hear Messiah on it. Let’s just make this a great album. If Messiah wants to do his solo thing after or whatever, then I got no problem with it, but the album is the most important thing right now as I see it. For us, for the label, for the fans!
Yeah, I'm actually glad to hear it, because I think Messiah did a great job on the last album, though his prima donna antics are unneccesary. I don't see the pairing lasting for much more than the actual recording of the album though. However, if I wanted to see Candlemass live, I would want Messiah fronting the band.
Yeah, I agree for the most part. I don't really know what the problem was with the band - but for all I can remember there has been a long standing issue between Leif and Messiah. IIRC, Messiah was pretty miffed about being replaced for the VI album, and subsequent albums being given the Candlemass name.

Classic story of boy starts doom band, has so-so singer, gets awesome singer - awesome singer thinks band is now his, gets sacked, gets replaced, gets rehired, quits, joins again, quits, joins again.

He IS the fucking bollocks live though.
Messiah does rule, but I prefer John Lanquist from the debut album. I don't think Messiah did those songs justice, live or in studio (in the case of Under The Oak).
actually i'm a candlemass fan and i don't think this is so good news

they should have gotten someone else instead of dragging messiah kicking and screaming into the studio, he's not THAT good (or at all essential to the candlemass sound imo)
Actually, i really can't stand Messiah at all. Live, it seems like he wants to turn Candlemass into some rock'n'roll band, and it just comes out sounding akward, especially with the older songs. And his voice isn't that amazing...
Carcassian said:
I beg to differ. C-mass without the Messiah is like a reach around without the cocks.
i dont care what anyone thinks i still say messiah is the worst out of the 4 vocalists candlemass has had (not counting leif edling on the demos of course...)

Crimson Velvet said:
Actually, i really can't stand Messiah at all. Live, it seems like he wants to turn Candlemass into some rock'n'roll band, and it just comes out sounding akward, especially with the older songs. And his voice isn't that amazing...
Maybe, I don't know. He always comes across like a good chap live - and the documentary sections of the two DVDs showcase him as a jolly, jovial fun loving chap.

I don't know what the Epicus Doomicus worship is all about - MM has always added a huge amount to the sound imo. The best voice in doom? Probably.
I was actually with Erik on this, when I spoke to Dodens about it. If Messiah is going to be a big diva fag about the album, then get someone else. Leif Eldling IS Candlemass, and I'll only stop listening when he stops composing.