Good news for Candlemass fans...

Candlemass should pick up Mats Levin or at least extend the offer to him to sing for Candlemass, he's already proven to be a good doom vocalist in Krux.
"...a boy from Bristol thinks a newer Doom metal band have surpassed one of their big influences, american churchgoers have used this 'unholy sign' as further evidence of armageddon fast approaching, we'll bring you more as the story unfolds..."
Ex-cally-boo said:
Candlemass should pick up Mats Levin or at least extend the offer to him to sing for Candlemass, he's already proven to be a good doom vocalist in Krux.
the problem-ah with mats levén-ah is that-ah he ends every sentence-ah with an ah-ah
Carcassian said:
Messiah was pretty miffed about being replaced .

Why ?. Messiah is not even an original band member. He hassled candlemass until they eventually let him in the band. I like the albums messiah sang on and all but prefere Johan Lanquist, his vocals and tone always sound perfect to me regardless my mood. I would be a lot more excited if the new Candlemass had Johan.
Necro Joe said:
"...a boy from Bristol thinks a newer Doom metal band have surpassed one of their big influences, american churchgoers have used this 'unholy sign' as further evidence of armageddon fast approaching, we'll bring you more as the story unfolds..."
Anyone else find it weird both Candlemass guitarists don't write any music ?
Erik said:
and now you're forever forced to always be bothered by it every time you listen to krux or abstrakt algebra

you're welcome


Oh god, I'm listening to the tracks he did for Therion and it is even more obvious than in Abstrakt Algebra and Krux.
The Greys said:
Anyone else find it weird both Candlemass guitarists don't write any music ?

It's not weird when it's been a one man band from the very beginning imo.


although some music has been written by others

"black candles" by mike wead
"the end of pain" and "julie laughs no more" by lars johansson/edling

probably more too