Good pionts and bad pionts about your playing.

Mr. Shred-ididle

Its Chinese-Tilt ya' head
Jan 25, 2003
Tell us what is your good pionts and bad pionts for playing guitar / bass / drums / keyboard / sing / trumpet / acordien / vacuum cleaner ect...

For me.
Good piont: Sweping. I dont' know why, but its always just come natually to me. I never had to practice 5 hours a day to get it right. I'm also good at improvising.

Bad: sight reading. I can read sheet music. But I'm not all that good at it. And sight reading, im kinda behind. Its the thing that lacks the most in my playing.

Warning : i'm not bragging about my playin or anything. I just would like to know about you guys and your strong ponts.

So what about you guys.
I don't know...

My "bad" point is that I'm not as shredder as Mr. Romeo is. :D

My good point is that I have heavyness on my way of playin', so I like that a lot, specially when I play The Eyes of Medusa.

I'm much more a rhythm guitarrist than a solo one. I prefer it.
Good points: I'm a very solid rhythm player, and I tend to learn the hell out of the rhythm guitar of the song before anything else. My alternate picking is good, vibrato, note choice, arrangement skills, I all like.

Bad Points: Sweep picking. Also my accuracy in pretty much any difficult thing I play seems to be hit or miss.
Good: I have a decent ear because I don't cheat with tabs.

Bad: Most things compared to people like Romeo.

Decent: Alternate picking, sight reading, chords, theory, scales.

I just recently discovered the importance of practicing a lot, after about four years of playing guitar. Better late than never I guess.
Good: legato, alternate, sweeping

Bad: I can't figure out how Mike Romeo taps the way he does without making the strings ring out. I do incorporate tapping into my playing though and do it effectively.... just not the way Romeo does.
Oh, Let's see:
Good: My ability to make almost every rig sound at least good. Also my vibrato and bending skills, some of you guys probably don't even imagine how much playing a fixed bridge for a while helps these. I'm also very good rythm player. Some of my friends say I slam the strings with my right hand. It may be true, but HELL I SOUND BETTER THAN THEM!!!
I also have a good clean playing style and I'm god at volume swells with my right pinky.
Descent: Alternate picking and legato. Also descent tapping, although I use tapping probably in a different way than you guys, I let the tapped notes sustain and vibrate them with my left hand. Try it out, it's cool.
Bad: Sweep picking, tapping with more than 1 finger, whammy tricks (since my axe's hardtail), wah use, since I truly believe that playing should only be done from the guitar...

That's about it...

Oh, and I was told that I plam mute more than other players... But neoclassical shred involves alot of palm muting anyway.
Zax666 said:
Oh, Let's see:
Good: My ability to make almost every rig sound at least good. Also my vibrato and bending skills, some of you guys probably don't even imagine how much playing a fixed bridge for a while helps these.
Yeah man, for my next guitar I will get something with a fixed bridge, something with really awesome natural tone, like a Gibson les paul studio plus or something. Or maybe I will stick with ESP and get their LP ripoff. Regardless, I want the fixed bridge for the vibrato and bending. Friedman is a huge influence for me. He has a clusterfuck of influences. I like that. Then you have guys like Romeo too, he also has a clusterfuck of influences, but is more of a super Yngwie and Becker style player.

I want to crash these two together somehow in my style, but that means I won't be able to do that with one guitar. Bending, vibrato and sustaining with a floating trem is no comparison to a fixed bridge.

Uh, back to the topic:
Strengths: speed picking - combo of alternate and economy,
long, extended sweep arpeggio runs, legato picking, pitch-control, and songwriting (the most important I think)

Weaknesses: String-skip tapping, 8-finger tapping (a la Michael Angelo in Shock em Dead!), exotic improvisation (intenionally targeting notes out of key and making them work with bends or whatever), and being able to incorporate the tremelo smoothly during a really fast run, also as a player I just have a long way to go and mature. I've been playing ten years, but I fucked around so much that I fell behind I think, and now I am more serious but there is just so much more to learn about music in general I think. That is more my main focus now.
I play the drums for like 2,5 years now. The only thing I played for 2 years was metallica, metallica and metallica. Now I do different and difficult things like DT and SyX. I practise 1 hour each day (when I have the chance to do it).

The good points:
-I can improvise well.
-I learn quite fast (when I go to take some private drum lessons). When I got something new to play, it's easy for me to do because when I read it once, I already know how to play it.
-Double bass is hard for me to do, but I can play it quite fast.

The bad points:
-I use a lot of drumtabs, without them I have to figure it out for a longggg time. If I don't know how to play, I'm going nuts :loco: .
-I always want to play perfect, just exact as how the song goes.
Good(well,decent :) )Well,alternate picking, sweeping, tapping, stringskipping.


Very bad:Modes :erk:
Does anyone know of a decent place to find the modes listed?I just know phrygian and maybe Dorian,(which i figured ot myself, got their names later) so i could really need some additional information about this!
Guitar: Bad: about everything since I still haven't really start learning it anyway :p

Vacuum Cleaner: well since I'm about the only one that plays this I should be pretty much the best :D
I even learnd to do vibrato on it now :lol:
Macy said:
I've been perplexed about your playing ever since I heard it. How on earth did you do it!? !:headbang:

Just by putting my fingers on the opening and closing and opening them a bit. I should make a site about it and increase my skill :D
My goal is to actually play mellody's on it :)
Macy said:
I've been perplexed about your playing ever since I heard it. How on earth did you do it!? !:headbang:

Just by putting my fingers on the opening and closing and opening them a bit. I should make a site about it and increase my skill :D
My goal is to actually play mellody's on it :)
Good points (i think...): my vibrato, sweep picking (not that i am fast ... ), versatility (fingerpicking, tradicional music, whatever)

Bad: very lame descending alternate picking and legato stuff ... my ascending licks come twice the speed and acuracy, complicated taps (the strings start to ring all over the place), bendings beyong the 17th fret (oh whait ... thats cause my guitar sucks)