Good pionts and bad pionts about your playing.


Good points: theory, sight reading, scales, progressions, arpeggios, speed and dexterity.

Bad (as hell) point: I can get lazy as hell, sometimes I don't practice for days. I don't follow a practice routine, I usually practice whatever comes to my mind at the time.

guitar playing:

Good points: alternate picking, legato, vibrato, tapping (lead playing overall)

Bad points: rhythm playing, ear.
Decent points: sweeping


Good points: I don't have any troubles changing from clean voice to growls and I have fairly strong voice, I still have some ground to cover.

Bad points: I have a problem with infections, wich affects my singing a lot.
I'm a horrible guitar player for playing 4.5 years. But here goes:

Good: song writing, playing by ear, rhythm (but my alternate picking is horrible), harmonized guitars

Bad: lead (I just don't try), alternate picking

I never needed to practice alternate picking because I only used to play bands like Metallica and nu-metal bands before I ever heard of any of the pure metal bands I listen to today. And those kinds of bands only require down picking. I didn't know alternate picking as I hear it done now existed, so I have a lot of catching up to do.
This kind of goes along with my last post with alternate picking. It's about alternate picking with alternating between palm mutes and open strings.

Ok let's say P=palm mute and O=open string. Notes are irrelevant on this question. When someone plays a rhythm part that goes:


... with a very fast cadence on any string, is that alternate picked or downpicked? Because I have a hard time downpicking that fast, and I can't really alternate between palm muting and open picking when I'm alternate picking. A couple of examles of songs where this happens are "End" by Dimension Zero, "Sadistic Lullaby" by Soilwork, or "Final Resistance" by Dark Tranqullity. And The Forsaken does it a lot too. Hopefully you understand what I'm asking, it's tough to put the question in words. Thanks a lot if you can help! :)
Good: Technique in general (but legato is my fave), improvising, soloing concepts

Bad: Learning other people's stuff (I don't mean Good Charlotte etc) because I never really spent much time on other player's licks themselves, just the concepts. It seems admirable in some ways but when I need a specific lick from a very advanced player I can feel like a fish out of water.
Good: On Piano-Technique, pieces, speed, dexterity, tone and willingness to learn. Classically trained.

Bad: I don't know anything about jazz when it comes to piano..chords and scales used in jazz.

Good: On Guitar-Technique, speed, dexterity, tone, equipment, emotion, fairly good knowledge of scales and chords.

Bad: Can get stuck in a rut very often when improvising or composing...which remindes me I have to post my videos here!
FLechdrop said:
Just by putting my fingers on the opening and closing and opening them a bit. I should make a site about it and increase my skill :D
My goal is to actually play mellody's on it :)

I'd love to hear that.

I'm your biggest fan! Respect. :cool:
Did I miss something, or have no bassists posted to this thread yet? :)

I've been playing bass sporadically for almost 8 years, so I should be a lot better than I currently am.

The Good: Rhythm (duh :)). I have found that I can accompany damn near any drummer's rhythm and tempo. One of my favorite things to do is just go nuts with a drummer. Loads of fun. :) Speed is another thing I'm good at. Once I'm warmed up, and assuming I know the part I'm playing, I can play it a most any tempo. Also, blues styles seem to come naturally for me. I can also pick up a tune based on a guitarist's rhythm fairly quickly. Which brings me to...

The Bad: I can't read music worth a damn, and I always get confused trying to read tab. No matter how hard I try, I always skip some part, or read it backwards. :) I can also be very lazy when it comes to practicing, which is why I'm not as good as I should be. :)

The Decent: On occasion, I can write a nifty tune, and sometimes I can even come up with a pretty cool lead/solo for bass. I have great gear (amps, basses, etc), and know how to make stuff sound good, so, even if I'm not the greatest player out there, I still have the best tone, dammit! :D

The Ugly (you knew this was coming!): No one wants to start a fun prog/power/AOR band in Atlanta. :cry: If you're in/near Atlanta, and want to jam, please e-mail me!! :)

bad - only really play piano, need to know more about technology and stuff. Shit left hand for playing scales, but its fine for bass lines/chords.
Good - my right hand is the ownage

bad - Errors in my basic playing (stuff that you learn when you start shredding) that have gradually gone wrong and i cant be fucked to break down my playing and iron them out. Its mostly right hand sloppyness, ill sort it out sometime. My sweeping isnt too good either. The other thing is that i dont konw too many cool 'set pieces,' and i usually just improvise which can sometimes sound like its going nowhere.

Good - dunno really, i can shred i suppose, which is good
What I'm good at?

I've been playing mostly by myself since my band broke up many years ago, so I've become quite adept at just soloing away by myself. At the moment I'm trying to work some strength back into my left hand by playing with heavier strings. Also my legato technique is pretty good. (Altough compared to Romeo, I'm still nothing. :D )

Not so good at?

Speed is my worst issue. That, and precision. I guess practice could make perfect, but second on the 'bad' list is motivation. :erk:
Yeah, dude!

With the proper motivation and even a little time...
Little time means 1 hour per day in a solid block...
... and the sky is the limit....

Reach for the skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiy

(ok, I couldn't resist)
Strong Points: Hahaha, probably my determination (doesn't that count?) to be a great player. The thing about playing guitar or any musical instrument for that matter is that it takes a lot of time and dedication. I am still putting that in every single day. Overall, I am a pretty average player. Not bad for only a year and a half. I am not incredible, but I am not bad either. I guess that’s pretty good for a start.
I play bass for 4-5 years,most are bad points i guess:
bad groove,terrible ear,bad slapping,bad tapping,bad composing abilities
umm good..i pluck with all four fingers,pretty fast left hand,umm that's it.i also write cool lyrics and i have a charming smile
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
Tell us what is your good pionts and bad pionts for playing guitar / bass / drums / keyboard / sing / trumpet / acordien / vacuum cleaner ect...
good - lots of variations - I can sing both rock or opera or jazz and so. Have a quite big range and strength, and a good ear.
Bad - my voice changes too much. Soemtimes I can sing a very good alto, sometimes I can sing just a soprano. But I guess it'll pass with time.

good - is there?
bad - just about everything :loco:

good - self taught, so i guess I'm doing pretty well --- composing, good rythm
bad - I'm too slow, still.
"Yeah man, for my next guitar I will get something with a fixed bridge, something with really awesome natural tone, like a Gibson les paul studio plus or something. Or maybe I will stick with ESP and get their LP ripoff. "

Go to and see their SC90. Now go to harmony central and see how many people swear by the Carvin necks. I didn't see so many people swearing by the ESP necks. If vibe's what you're looking for tung oil finish helps, BTW.

"I want to crash these two together somehow in my style, but that means I won't be able to do that with one guitar. Bending, vibrato and sustaining with a floating trem is no comparison to a fixed bridge."

Sustain is NOT the holy grail. Many compositions are based on that sustain fades. C'mon, noone wants his guitar to sound like a synth, right?AND you WILL be able to do both on the same guitar (e.g. Vai), it's just you need a hardtail guitar to play exclusively for a few months.
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
Tell us what is your good pionts and bad pionts for playing guitar / bass / drums / keyboard / sing / trumpet / acordien / vacuum cleaner ect...

For me.
Good piont: Sweping. I dont' know why, but its always just come natually to me. I never had to practice 5 hours a day to get it right. I'm also good at improvising.

Bad: sight reading. I can read sheet music. But I'm not all that good at it. And sight reading, im kinda behind. Its the thing that lacks the most in my playing.

Warning : i'm not bragging about my playin or anything. I just would like to know about you guys and your strong ponts.

So what about you guys.

You should learn to spell properly instead of endlessly wanking your guitar.
hmmm..., i have learned to not take offense by wankers and dickheads. Only decent people like 90% of this forum.

Plus Catman, i'm only 13 and english isn't really my fort'e (did i spell that right?) i'm more of a math's/science guy.

btw, my sight-reading has improved 90% since i jioned the school stage band. tmost of the stuff is shit-simple but there is this one song "Birdland" by weather report (Joco pastorius) which is synchopating 8th notes in 170 notes per minute with chords like Gb#9(b5) to a Ebmaj/minor7 right next each other!!

I guess it's true how my teacher says that being a session guitarist is 99%bordom and 1% terror!
Good- Alternate Picking, Strange Rhythm patterns (circular rhythm, stuff like that) Harmonics, bends (EVERY NOTE CAN BE IN KEY.. haha)

Bad- Sweeping (I am like a reatard, but I try hard), Arpegiation(SP? , Sometimes I will miss strings.. Its really annoying) Theory (dont know very much at all.)