Good production techniques

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Surprisingly we've had a thread with production fuckups but we haven't had one about good production tricks and techniques.

So list any that you liked, the less cliche the better (radio intro! telephone voice!)

Joey has some awesome ones. In the 'untitled' song he posted, I think the last one he posted (
2:22 into the song, the strings detune at the end of their riff. So subtle but its so awesome.
I also love the slight chorusy effect that tightly double-tracking clean or raspy vocals gives. See Papa Roach's Hollywood Whore for an example.
i really fucking love joey´s work on "Louder than thunder" of the devil wears prada >.<
the synths , drums , reverse reverbs and the vocal processing are simply AWESOME

other thing i fucking love is the vocal processing in the album "Demigod" by Behemoth

i like the use of Glitch on some songs but now its like a trend and everyFUCKINGbody uses it ¬¬
+ a fuckload, it's become just as annoyingly cliche as the "putting on a vinyl" or "tuning the radio until you get to the song" effects

I believe it's ok for any one band to use each of these effects one and only one time in their entire career - anymore so is just excessive and silly :headbang:
Meh, with the vinyl effect, In Flames did it on Bullet Ride, which was cool - then Nevermore did it on the title track of DHiaDW, and that was cool (cuz they came out so close to one another, hell, maybe Dead Heart came out first); but it's such an identifiable effect IMO that those two were all the mileage anyone could get out of it (now to me it's "yeah yeah, putting on a vinyl, how vintage and retro gee golly you're cool :loco: ). The tuning radio thing isn't as bad cuz it's been done a lot more and I still don't facepalm too badly when I hear it, but IMO it's still been done enough that I would NEVER put it in any of my stuff!
I love(and use) the reversed guitar intro thingy. For example you record an open E-Chord and reverse it. Remove the attack and fade in. Really easy and always works wonders. Remember that the end of the clip should be louder than when the real guitars kick in for an extra punch.

For an example check the beginning of our song My last line on

I use it all the time.
Meh, with the vinyl effect, In Flames did it on Bullet Ride, which was cool - then Nevermore did it on the title track of DHiaDW, and that was cool (cuz they came out so close to one another, hell, maybe Dead Heart came out first); but it's such an identifiable effect IMO that those two were all the mileage anyone could get out of it I still don't facepalm too badly when I hear it, but IMO it's still been done enough that I would NEVER put it in any of my stuff!

agreed, too many new things you could do. Hell we are in the beginning stages of a new era of songwriting. with the tools to produce your own music so accessible, Its really the time to take things to heights that previously were unreachable.

I like to mess around with software synths to create new sounds and effects.
reverse reverb is cool.

goddamn guitar, I listened to your song "my last line" pretty awesome man. I like the reverse guitar effect at the beginning!

I used a synth, combined with a subdrop (i know kinda ghey) create an effect similar to a spaceship crash landing, or getting punched in the brain by a digital fist.
check it out the song is called "new bd tune, no vocals":
I used a synth, combined with a subdrop (i know kinda ghey) create an effect similar to a spaceship crash landing, or getting punched in the brain by a digital fist.
check it out the song is called "new bd tune, no vocals":

That's pretty cool dude, I dig it - chunky guitars and pretty beastly bass (though the snare sounds like a coffee can :lol: And too much "tick tick" attack on the kick IMO - oh, and the lead/harmony/whatever guitars are WAY too middy IMO) But yeah, what all did you use?
That's pretty cool dude, I dig it - chunky guitars and pretty beastly bass (though the snare sounds like a coffee can :lol: And too much "tick tick" attack on the kick IMO - oh, and the lead/harmony/whatever guitars are WAY too middy IMO) But yeah, what all did you use?

the kick is just a dw kick sample an adler snare sample. I used my pod 2.0 and impulses for guitar. I agree about the harmony its being re recorded cause its a bit sloppy. i recorded right after I wrote the riff.

the bass was sansamp I blended in a track with i ts in the chain. I used two ampeg impulses.

maybe i`l try blending the kick with another sample.

thanks for the input marcus!