Would you let bad production get in the way of an otherwise good album?

I certainly wouldn't. At least half of my favorite thrash albums have some pretty bad production, yet their still fucking awesome.
Scared of innovation... You'd think people into metal would have learned to engage music on its own terms. But if you can't handle the album as it was intended you can track down "with bass" remix floating around, it was presumably made by someone who was similarly outside their comfort zone with the original album.

There are major obvious flaws in the production of AJFA. Not 'new ideas', but mistakes. You can sit there on your throne of condescension an assume I'm "scared of innovation" if it makes you feel better, but it doesn't make you correct in any way. I do enjoy the album and have done since it came out, but I think it would benefit from a better production.

And I've heard the "with bass" remix on youtube, it sounds like some cunt playing over the album as it is, mixed in badly, in terrible youtube mp3 quality. Why would I be happy with that?
There are major obvious flaws in the production of AJFA. Not 'new ideas', but mistakes. You can sit there on your throne of condescension an assume I'm "scared of innovation" if it makes you feel better, but it doesn't make you correct in any way. I do enjoy the album and have done since it came out, but I think it would benefit from a better production.
What else can I say? Put aside your preconceptions and try listening to music with an open mind, that's my advice.

And I've heard the "with bass" remix on youtube, it sounds like some cunt playing over the album as it is, mixed in badly, in terrible youtube mp3 quality. Why would I be happy with that?
I know nothing of any youtube version, there was a version going around on p2p years ago that was received favourably by some.
I use to hate SoTS and it grew on me and noticed once the band kicked out Alf they went back to a more intense direction where on With Fear... you have all these melodies that go nowhere at all and add the horrible production and music with no balls.


You have got to be joking. Melodies that go nowhere? It sounds like you haven't been listening to the same album I have. It takes months to really get the full experience of this album, and, while I cannot be absolutely sure, I would guess that this is the problem in your case. It is one thing if you don't like the album, but it is quite another to say the melodies go nowhere; that just proves that you don't know the songs.

It is my favorite album ever, and for good reason.

You have got to be joking. Melodies that go nowhere? It sounds like you haven't been listening to the same album I have. It takes months to really get the full experience of this album, and, while I cannot be absolutely sure, I would guess that this is the problem in your case. It is one thing if you don't like the album, but it is quite another to say the melodies go nowhere; that just proves that you don't know the songs.

It is my favorite album ever, and for good reason.

I've had the same problem with this album. I stopped forcing myself onto albums that I find aesthetically unpleasant.
I just don't like it....long songs, the lame lyrics for "One", Jason Newstead.

I've never loved it. I've kinda liked it, but I haven't listened to it enough to really know what I think. But I can tell you that I was upset when Jason Newstead left Flotsam and Jetsam for Metallica. Who can blame him, I suppose. But at the time I was a bigger fan of the mighty Doomsday for the Deceiver, and felt Metallica was going to ruin F&J by taking Jason. Looks like I was right...but I didn't realize it would also begin the downfall of Metallica.
I've had the same problem with this album. I stopped forcing myself onto albums that I find aesthetically unpleasant.

This is an issue I have been dealing with for years. How much effort do I put into an album that doesn't immedeately show any signs of being something I can love. I have been rewarded for sticking with some albums, but I also have a collection that is bloated with releases I think I should or will be able to get into at some point, but haven't yet. Sometimes I want to take every CD that I don't love and sell them.

It was much simpler when I could only afford one or two releases a month.
This is an issue I have been dealing with for years. How much effort do I put into an album that doesn't immedeately show any signs of being something I can love. I have been rewarded for sticking with some albums, but I also have a collection that is bloated with releases I think I should or will be able to get into at some point, but haven't yet. Sometimes I want to take every CD that I don't love and sell them.

It was much simpler when I could only afford one or two releases a month.
There are certain albums that I absolutely loathed from the first few listens, but kept trying, thinking that I must be missing something. This especially happens to me with:
1) Dense, heavily layered albums, that I feel are just blown out of proportion, but with further exposure, begin to pick up snippets of brilliance which compels me to keep listening until I manage to untangle the whole mess. Of course, this is provided, that the sound on the album actually helps in this endeavor rather than just interferes.

2) Albums that seem poorly produced, without being too harrowing on the ears, that don't really let you hear what's going on there under the surface at first, but with more listens or more suitable audio equipement you get accustomed to the production and begin to pick up things you haven't heard before.

The issue here, however, is that of backward reasoning. What I mean is, that a lot of the albums that get discussed here are considered classics in the underground, so many people already having that in mind, listen to these records trying to establish what is that merited a certain album its classic status, and they either "get" it eventually or don't.

Of course, this also depends what is it actually that you're looking for in music: killer riffs, catchiness, virtuosity, atmosphere or any combination of these.
A lot of albums whose prime feature is atmosphere, for instance, are often built on repetiveness, meandering song structures, minimalism, so obviously, people who are not looking for atmosphere will write them off as boring.
In the same way, people who are looking for atmosphere will probably regard albums whose main strength is virtuosity, with flashy solos galore and tempos that change every few seconds for no apparent reason as tedious, since they fail to maintain a single mood throughout.
So you see, it all depends on your perception of things and what is it that you're looking for in music, in general.
Indeed; and a good post, that. I tend heavily towards the "baroque" of metal the most; especially when it is composed solely of guitars. There is nothing like being pulled in 8 different directions.

That said, I love the likes of Darkthrone and other simple stuff as well. It is just not a good idea to speak negatively of an album which you have not fully grasped the instrumentation of; regardless of your first impression, production and other obvious comments aside.
I've had the same problem with this album. I stopped forcing myself onto albums that I find aesthetically unpleasant.

Yes, but since when has metal ever been an "aesthetically pleasant" genre anyway? I listen to metal to get away from all the "soothing", "beautiful-sounding" music.
Yes, but since when has metal ever been an "aesthetically pleasant" genre anyway? I listen to metal to get away from all the "soothing", "beautiful-sounding" music.

Well, let's say, for comparison's sake listening to Gorguts who are quite abrasive is a whole lot more pleasant for me than say, listening to Ildjarn I get a certain vibe from the former, whilst the latter gives me nothing. So I guess, it's all relative as to what sort of impact the music has on you.
Simply put, there are certain records whose production doesn't appeal to me, to the point that I don't care how rewarding sticking with them might be in the long run.
ok... here's one... a great album but i can't stand the production... Goat Horns.
the synth drums, the cheesy synths and guitars which are paper thin and mixed WAY too low... musically however it is awesome... this is an album i would love to see re-recorded with better production
ok... here's one... a great album but i can't stand the production... Goat Horns.
the synth drums, the cheesy synths and guitars which are paper thin and mixed WAY too low... musically however it is awesome... this is an album i would love to see re-recorded with better production

Indeed. I find it pretty listenable as is, but it seems lacking in POWER. Recorded today, this is an album that would have blasted me away because of its sheer intensity.
Indeed. I find it pretty listenable as is, but it seems lacking in POWER. Recorded today, this is an album that would have blasted me away because of its sheer intensity.

Yup, I think songwise it is their best album but because of the production I would say that Lunar Poetry is probably their best overrall.
Interestingly I find that Twilighfall which is their demo has the best production.