Good rack power amp to use with Podxt?


Feb 20, 2005
I'd actually prefer less wattage (a lot of the cheap ones have like 350 watts in bridged mono mode, which scares me cuz I don't want to risk annihilating my Bogner 2x12"), and am definitely not gonna spend more than $150. Any suggestions?

You spring for a Bogner 2x12, but you want to run a POD into it w/ a cheap solid state power amp? That's a nice cab you have, it deserves more from you! :cool:

But, in your position, I know exactly what I would do: Crate Powerblock. It's not a rack unit, but it's $150, portable, and won't blow your Bogner.

You spring for a Bogner 2x12, but you want to run a POD into it w/ a cheap solid state power amp? That's a nice cab you have, it deserves more from you! :cool:

But, in your position, I know exactly what I would do: Crate Powerblock. It's not a rack unit, but it's $150, portable, and won't blow your Bogner.

Haha, the Bogner was sort of a future-proofing thing, cuz the Pod is my main source of tone these days now that I sold my 5150 combo (too goddamned heavy), but when I eventually get a killer tube head, I'll still be able to use the cab with it (in fact, there's no other cab I'd rather have!)

Anyway, thanks a lot for your suggestions guys, I appreciate it!
Why are you wanting a solid state poweramp to use with a Pod? I think a cheaper tube poweramp would get you a lot better sound.

And naturally, I agree with you, but my understanding is that a "cheaper" tube poweramp is not gonna be had in my price range (sub-$200).