Good software for getting videos?

Under The Oak

Ens Causa Sui
Jul 9, 2003
Austin, TX
I hate Kazaa, it has so much crap on it that I end up getting some really bad porn when I search for music videos. It doesn't even have many videos, and when you do search for porn, it comes up with floods of new WMV files that have hidden licenses in them to track your PC and screw you over. Any program you guys know of that is a good solution to all this?
TaylorC said:
I got DC++ but I'm not sure I set it up right. I use DSL and it comes up with a failure report when I try to browse the public hubs.
Try again, (default list's link present in DC++) could be offline for some reason.
You can try these hubs, btw I don't know the share limit they have:
TaylorC said:
and when you do search for porn, it comes up with floods of new WMV files that have hidden licenses in them to track your PC and screw you over.

I've never heard of this. what exactly do you mean?