Good Speakers For Music Listening?


Feb 22, 2007
So I'm getting somewhat tired of the crappy audio quality of my laptop, and thinking of getting some speakers for general music listening purposes. What are some good quality speakers that won't cost too much?
less than 50 quid then hmmm

I had some U.S. Blaster speakers and a subwoofer. They only cost about 25 pounds or $50 in you money. They were loud and decent enough really. Great value for money.
I use semi-high quality headphones, not earbuds, to listen to music 98% of the time. I do not really like the sound of music coming through speakers. I plan to upgrade to larger, nicer headphones for home use soon.
I found it difficult to shop for speakers. There's no mid-range. Either you have crappy stuff at $50 or less, or you jump to $150 and up. I like to listen on headphones from time to time, but they become distractingly uncomfortable after about 30 minutes to me. I have to take a break if I'm going to use them.
You are not goimg to find much under $100, need to go $150 or more. I am going to buy the Klipsch ProMedia 2.1 soon, probably tommorrow. Highly recommended from alot people, they make audio speakers not "computer accessories". I have the Bose 2.0, they are decent but old and scratched and dented and were bought for my previous computer, I need a sub and after alot of research it seems that Klipsch will not dissapoint me. I have owned a few sets of computer speakers and they are made for watching youtube videos not listening to music.