good stuff

Surely the differing acoustics and dynamics of a festival show versus a club show require a tweaking of the set-list? What exactly is "gay" about that?


Warrel, it would be most gracious of you to play the Tiananmen Man and/or Create the Infinite in NYC. Just sayin'.
Doesn't mean you can't prefer to see a band in a smaller venue. Bands like Nevermore play both the large festivals and the smaller clubs, and both have their advantages. Plus, it's not like the guy says, "I hope they only play small clubs anymore and that they stay a niche band that doesn't make any money!" He merely says he enjoys the band more in a smaller club (which, I think, goes for just about every long-time fan). You're being a bit of an ass here, bud.

My "Assness" if you will is your interpretation and so you are most welcome in thinking I am an ass. I believe that I clearly stated that my intent was not to start shit but you had to take it to heart. Agree to disagree ? Absolutely on my end, how about yours ?

I saw Warrel solo in March in Tucson and I can't tell you how ecstatic I was to see him in an "intimate" setting. I totally understand preferring the small club over the venue but the money NM makes in a series of small clubs aint gonna cut the mustard in the end. The more they make at big venues the more they have to record the next album and fund the following tour and merch.

That is the point I was trying to make, nothing more and nothing less. :rock:
Is Attila using Orange amps?

Yup, Rockerverb 100 watt :cool:

Warrel, please make another solo album. I need MOAR WARREL!


I'd love another POE.

Imma plus one ya on both those.

Warrel, it would be most gracious of you to play the Tiananmen Man and/or Create the Infinite in NYC. Just sayin'.

What a coincidence, because I was spending some time today figuring out some of those riffs to Tienanmen Man. I never realised how much of a fucking great song that is until today. The riffs are thrashy, has groove, and kicks ass. I guess I always brushed that song off as kinda lame because of the lyrics, but now I would love to see this one live.
If I ever get to hear 42147 or Poison Godmachine live I will consider myself a made man.
I think the world would implode if confronted with that particular setlist. But we'll never know, will we now?
For example, "The Sanity Assassin" would be amazing in a small venue, where as not so much at a festival. Likewise, this shitty guitar playing works in an arena setting, probably not as well in a smaller club.

It's all relative, you just have to think about it with less logic.
Speaking of good stuff. Just got this yesterday. Trying to figure out what I want to get it filled with. Thinking blue of some sort.
