Goodbye Swanö :(


baptized in blood
Feb 8, 2005
Washington, USA
Bloodbath's website is now updated, as soon as I read the first line I got chills through my body. News like this is something I really hate to read because to me, Dan was a huge part of Bloodbath as almost everything he has written and done with them were by far my favorite tracks. Really saddens me to see this man leave the band, not having enough time to devote to such an awesome project sucks. :( Of course Dan is one of the busiest fucking men in metal with all the mixing and production he has going on in his studio, as well as all of his own projects. I really can't say that I did not see something like this coming since some e-mails with Dan have hinted that there is not a lot of time for Bloodbath.

I'm just really more heartbroken than anything. I hope that we don't see Axe leaving anytime soon now that he's a true part of Opeth and Roadrunner are cock suckers, but we will see what happens.
Both Swanö and Åkerfeldt out of the game. 2 of the guys that started Bloodbath.

I don't think we will hear another album with Bloodbath again. Doesn't really matter since the 2 reasons for me listening to them are out of the band now.

I hope the damn DVD will come out soon..... :lol:
I actually believe, that if they ever will release a new album, it can't never be as good as the old ones. That's sad. And kicking Swanö out sucks. :/
My thoughts exactly Baletemthingy
Enough of the Swano praising... sure he's good at what he does, but Bloodbath was more dan just Swano, they're a band for fuck's sake, not a solo project with guest musicians.
They'll probably get other talented musicians in the future who will do just fine.
I still believe in Bloodbath :mad:
On the last album (NMF) Blakkheim, Renkse and Swano all wrote 4 songs. Personally I think the songs Blakkheim and Renkse wrote were also very brutal (e.g. Soul Evisceration & Bastard Son of God!), so I do not have any doubts for the future of Bloodbath.

I wonder, now with the audition closed if the "we're also actively searching among a few well known and not well known names on our own" will have some results - only time will tell I think...
People keep mentioning how bad things are now that BOTH Mikael and Dan are I the only one that was happy to see Akerfeldt go?

I don't like his death metal vocals. I think Tatgren did much better, and for that matter so could have most of the guys in the band. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy the older Bloodbath stuff, I even prefer the production and drumming on the old bloodbath, but Nightmares Made Flesh was excellent, and had some of the band's best material and vocals. Dan's songs were awesome, but if Blakkheim can keep the next album up to the quality of his own contributions to NMF it will be another excellent album.

I mean, for me Dan was an important part of the band and as I said it's sad that he's gone, but...fuckin Blakkheim! I think the blakk one is getting too little credit here, and if Bloodbath ever manages to get on its feet again I hope he will show everyone that they worried a little too much.
There is no doubt in my mind that Anders and Jonas are creative enough to continue on and write some fucking awesome music, they have in the past albums, they will again with more songs, but without the assistance of the best (Dan) which is only my opinion.

I love Mike's vocals and Peter's, but NMF is by far my favorite death metal album ever. The day it was released it took the throne over the previous, I am not sure if it will ever be topped by a better Bloodbath release, only the future will tell.
AceRoccola said:
People keep mentioning how bad things are now that BOTH Mikael and Dan are I the only one that was happy to see Akerfeldt go?
No, there are a lot of people who...even if they weren't happy that Mike left, were happy with the result with Peter.

I love Nightmares Made Flesh and I do believe it is the band's best work...but I still prefer Mike's vocals.

Oh well, the best to everyone.
i believe in his statement he hinted at a possible brutal death metal project (im guessing in the same vein as suffocation and nile)