Got a 5150 Finally found one!


Held in Hollows
Mar 19, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
I made this quick clip Yesterday after owning it for 1 hour.


5150 Test

-1 on Master
-2 Just two tracks for Rhythm L-R

Can't wait till the weekend when I'll crank it and start some dual micing stuff.
I posted a wanted add on Melband like months ago.

Last week a dude said "still after one".

Got it from "theamphunter". There is a little shop in North Melbourne.
Nice work dude! Now blend those bastards haha. Good thing you played that song, they would have used the same cab too.

Now just post it on the ftp so we have all the lowend back and it's all good :p
Thanks for the reply. Checked out the website of the shop. No upcoming 5150's just your sold one. :cry: If you don't mind what did you pay for it. If you prefer you can PM the price, or just ignore my rude question. :lol:
Cheers Dude. I see they were after $1495.

I might have to contact them for any future 5150's.

Thanks again.

A bit of tweaking of the ATG tone and you might get close to Heartwork I reckon. Anyway that's the initial impression I got from the first 5 seconds of your clip.

I rang them a couple of months ago. They qouted 2000 (RRP) for the 6505 and 2500 (I think) for the +. I can't believe the price difference here between the 6505 and + since the US price difference is so little. We sure get rolled. I also hate that they will not give real prices over the phone. I am not going to drive for 1.5 hours just to get a price I may be able to beat elsewhere. Cheapest phone price I have got is 1800 (or 1900, can't remember) for the 6505 at KC's Rock Shop in Boronia.

As far as wanting a 6505 or 5150, I just don't know if all the hype is worth the trouble of tracking down an original 5150 over a 6505. All I keep coming back to is that when you see big bands Live and big names recording, you see more 5150's than 6505. That must mean something......................mustn't it?.............maybe?.................not?