got a sm57, what do you suggest for next mic?


Aug 2, 2011
i got an sm57 and i like it really much, i wanted to buy another microphone to get differant sounds. i thought of getting another sm57 and do the fiddleman stuff.
but now i have 2 other options for the same price, an i5 which is a little more expensive or a sennheiser e609. which combination do you suggest the best?
i got an sm57 and i like it really much, i wanted to buy another microphone to get differant sounds.

SM57 is a great dynamic that works on a lot of things, so IMO the next step is to get a good "workhorse" condenser to cover the areas where SM57 is limited (ex: vocals, overheads, acoustic guitars, strings, bass, etc).

AT4040 is what I recommend, but if you have more money to spend an AKG C-414 is a great choice too, specially if you can grab a pair to use in stereo.
oh and i forgot to say. i use it for micing distorted guitar of course, in front of an ENGL powerball.
i have a condenser also, just didnt mention it, its an akg c4000b, not bad.
the 421 is really expensive though and i see everyone just ends using a 57 so maybe an I5 combined with a 57?
i have a condenser also, just didnt mention it, its an akg c4000b, not bad.
the 421 is really expensive though and i see everyone just ends using a 57 so maybe an I5 combined with a 57?

The 421 isn't cheap, but it is good on SO MANY THINGS. And the combination of a 57 and 421 on guitars is really tasty. :)
I would either get a i5 as your next guitar cab mic or a 421. also the m201 from beyerdynamic is also a very kick ass cheaper ribbon mic that rule's on almost anything :)

You're thinking of the 260 and 160. Very cool mics.
do you like it better then 2 sm57§

I still like two 57's but me and Charles have been getting further away from the 57 sound on guitar's. But the i5 and 57 combo is great. Just about any mic combo with a 57 usually will end up being pretty cool. Only mic out of the one's your looking into i wouldn't use for guitars is the e609. I have found it to actually work pretty good as a snare bottom mic.
Ok so 609 is off the line.. md421 is too expensive. so i have a choice between 57 and i5. i have to check the m201 but in fact i didnt have any oppurtunity to hear it yet. what are the advatages of getting am i5 instead of a 47?
Ok so 609 is off the line.. md421 is too expensive. so i have a choice between 57 and i5. i have to check the m201 but in fact i didnt have any oppurtunity to hear it yet. what are the advatages of getting am i5 instead of a 47?

None, the U47 is awesome ;)

Seriously, though, the advantage is that you have more variety. Neither of those mics are "better." Questions like these are impossible to answer. Just get either and see if you like the results. You'll buy more, trust me.
Have to agree. i guess each option isgood but for some reason in the which guitar gear on which album i saw ony 57s and some ribbons. no i5 or nothing. and the fiddleman technique is 57s also. so doesnt it mean something? might be wrong tho
It means the 57 is the most widely used mic when recording hi-gain metal guitars. It's easy to grab one out of the mic locker, because you know what you'll get. That's all it means, really. Half of the fun in this whole craft is experimenting with different stuff, and unless you're on a tight schedule with a band in a studio where the clock is ticking dollars, there's no reason to limit yourself to the most obvious choices :) Whether you grab another 57, an m201 or an i5, you'll find some use for it and probably learn a lot. We can't quarantee you'll find the tone you have always wanted with any of these mics :)
yea i cannot disagree with you. thanks for the help. well tight shceduale i dont have, in fact i still didnt record any band at all, this is still my home studio. tho i am TIGHT on budget, which means i do search for a safe money guranteed choice
How about using a SM7 with the 57? I recently got the 7 for vocals, but I'm wondering if anyone uses that combination in a cab.

(not asking if it works- that's up to me of course; just wondering if anyone has tried/used them together)