small tom mic shootout

@ fitzranger: nah, compared it to aome others etc, it's in good shape, just has a different sound from the new models, I actually like the warmth/sound of that old 421, fir guitar recordings it beats the 421II, for toms I like the newer one better, good to have both.
I'll perhaps record more samples of smaller toms in the future, too busy right now.
That bent sm57 it ace for snare recordings
after a drummer blew up one of my 57s with his stick.... I only use triggers on toms now.:yuk:

First time I ever used my first 57 a drummer took the top off with his stick, completely destroying the capsule on it. A new capsule is 80, a new 57 is 99. No point getting the part to repair at that price!

I absolutely adore Audix D- series on toms. The D4 is a great mic for floor toms too. I've liked e604's whenever I've used em live. I usually use a 57 on a high tom if they've 4 toms on their kit.