Got hit by an uninsured driver today...


Aug 23, 2008
Lafayette, LA
Title pretty much says it all:


Luckily there were three people there to sign written statements for the police, plus a traffic camera to show that I wasn't at fault. Unfortunately the other driver (most likely) didn't have insurance. Cop couldn't find any insurance papers and the girls mother claimed that "she stole the car from her." Will keep you posted.
My insurance is covering it, however I have to pay the deductible (as opposed to her insurance covering it). I may get reimbursed for it later my insurance company get anything out of her.
Sue her for court fees and the deductible. People that don't at least shell for liability (it's seriously less than $60 a month most of the time, I only pay $30) deserve a fucking fork up their ass.

I don't know man, liability for me is over $150/month (and that's with no accidents and 1 speeding ticket) so I just can't/won't afford it. I drive careful as a mother fucker.
[UEAK]Clowd;8882915 said:
I don't know man, liability for me is over $150/month (and that's with no accidents and 1 speeding ticket) so I just can't/won't afford it. I drive careful as a mother fucker.

Wow, that's really expensive, why is it so much for you?

My liability insurance is $35/month, and I had full coverage back when for $160 that I split with my parents until I moved out
There are tons of people who don't have car insurance. They figure as long as they never get in a wreck, and never get pulled over, they have no need for it. It's a pretty stupid risk, if you ask me. A good majority of people in my town don't have car insurance, and now that I have a newer car I'm scared as fuck to drive around when it's snowy/icy out because I know it won't be covered on their dime.
Unfortunately she wasn't all. She was taken to the hospital before the cops even got there, but luckily three witnessed stayed and signed statements and there was a traffic camera at the light. She was completely at fault so hopefully she won't try to sue me or anything stupid. I'm assuming she's okay, she was a little banged up and kind of out of it. I didn't get a chance to talk to her very much, but a couple people at the scene said it seemed like she was on something at the time. That and according to the woman who got her phone out of her car after the accident, was texting.

The whole thing was like a bad episode of cops - complete with the girls mother yelling about how "that girl took all my money and my car!" And to top it all off, I finish with all this paperwork, write my statement, get my truck towed, and finally go into the convenience store right nearby and a homeless dude has the audacity to ask me for $5! I kindly explained that I had just been in the accident at this intersection and it was probably not the best day to ask me for money to which he replied "I know - I saw." So you saw me just get in this accident and still have the balls to ask me for money? Go die in a ditch.