Got iMac!


Jun 3, 2005
I just bought my iMac! Waiting for delivery...

i5 2,5GHz Quad-Core
8gb RAM
500gb 7200rpm HD
21,5" ATI Radeon HD 6750M 512MB GDDR5
Apple care

but... i visited a friend today and we are talking about my purchase and we talked about the "others options".

Well, now I don't know if did a good buy because he said that i could get a much better PC for half price and even a dell xps15 full, if i wanted mobile. This talk messed up my mind!!!

I just trust that mac will be more reliable, faster and will last longer without thinking on a better machine for the next 3 years. I bought it for audio production only.

I don't know, but, am i too worried on thinking that i could do a better deal for less? Will this mac really serve me better than a much better PC?
Don't forget that when buying a Mac you are usually buying better customer service and support which is very underrated these days. I've been a PC guy throughout my tech life and the Support and Research Apple does is extremely appealing to me.

Be happy with your purchase, sure you could've saved a few bucks when it comes to specs...but if you look past that you'll realize you made a great buy. :)
You ought to do a little more research before you go out and throw down that kind of money on a tool, in my opinion. A mac will serve you better than a PC if you get more use out of it - just like any other tool. I personally only use macs for multimedia stuff, as I'm much more familiar with the way OS X and mac-based tools, programs, etc work.
The only good thing about macs is the OS. Hardware isnt state of the art, overpriced, they die outta no reasons. Mine died, my brothers died, a friends died, my cousins died .... just outta nowhere. Mine suddenly didnt start up at all and they told me the firmwarechip died and a repair would be like 700 euro. not worth it at all, got a new laptop instead, but i miss the OS, thats for sure. Everything else....not really. IMO overpriced as fuck for what is in it. I´d never get a MacBook with the Specs of my new Laptop, not even the top MacBook Pro and paid waaaay less. 2 years warranty, build in germany .... couldnt get that from apple for sure.

For me: i´d never buy a mac again, at least not a macbook or imac ( imacs got laptop hardware in it...). The OS is ace, thats for sure ( at least snow leopard ... ).

I've had 4 Macs and any issues I've had have been solved within a couple days and for free (including a replaced logic board 4 years after purchase... thanks NVidia recall!). I love the OS to death and I find the hardware and case designs to be second-to-none.

Bottom line, pick which system you're comfortable with and go with that. I'm fine paying extra to use a Mac - I'm that much more productive on one than I am on a PC.
Well, my brother got the same issue with his early 2008 ( nvidia issue) and 2011 it crashed and they told him they wont repair it, since they dont support it anymore. Maybe support just sux here in germany.
I mean, if they wouldnt be that overpriced ..... different story, but they are freaking overpriced. Cool design for sure, unibody macbooks. Wait? Unibody? So you have to change the whole freaking case if it brakes or something? Wow. 200 euro for a upgrade from 4 gb ram to 8 gb. For a MacBook pro with nearly similar specs as my new laptop i would have paid 2550 euro, the graphic card would still be worse than mine and a macbook pro only got 2 slots for memory. Upgradewise its pure terror, since the cpu cant be upgraded without changing the whole logicboard. If i need more horsepower i just upgrade thx to 4 memory slots and a cpu that can be changed. Paid: 1300 euro...with 2 years warranty and if somethings brakes i dont have to send it, they come and get it and for the time i dont have a laptop they give me one.

The OS .... pure win. Hackintosh ftw. But hardware, support and price-wise i havent had good experience till now. sadly. ( windows sometimes just drives me crazy, everything went so smooth with OSX ..... win7 is way better than every win os before, but still mac osx just works smoother)

( well, im maybe im just a bit pissed of, cuz my macbook pro just died for no reason. Turned it off, next morning it just didnt wanna start anymore, reading through the internet showed pretty fast that many got that issue and it cant be repaired other than changing the logicboard, which would be around 700 euro or so. not worth it. i mean: the firmware chip just dies and they dont freaking repair it?! If i had thrown it into some water or so, ok, but dieing cuz of factory issues...gj.)

You just sound pissed off and ranting. Sorry your brother got screwed - that NVidia issue should've been covered.

The unibody thing isn't an issue and it's a cool design. The hinge design is still the ABSOLUTE BEST thing on any laptop ever. Everything else feels flimsy as fuck IMO. Realistically, with any laptop, if something breaks you'll have to replace the whole thing. You're wrong on RAM upgrades - that's the "from Apple" cost. Do it yourself, it'll be cheaper - that's the same with Dell, HP, Vaio, etc, as well.

Who the hell seriously changes the CPU on a laptop? I mean really, I know literally nobody who does this. It's always been impractical and largely impossible because the processor is often soldered straight onto the motherboard.

Again - we can go back and forth on this for days (it's been done before and I have no interest in doing it again). You're not going to convince me that Macs are shitty, unreliable, and grossly overpriced - I'm not going to convince you that your cases were unlucky and that the prices are totally justified. Likewise, neither of us will convince the OP of our points without him trying it out for himself.
Nope, your definitely right. Just wanted to share my experience. I´d get a MacPro anytime, tho. Making your own experiences is the only way to go i guess.
Whenever you ask that question, you're getting the fanatic PC-boys telling you you're a moron and you paid way too much and you could've gotten a better PC for the half the price, and the Apple-fanatics on the other side.

I switched to a 27" i5 iMac in 2009 after using, building and hacking PC's since I was seven or so, and haven't looked back. If you like working with it, it was money well spent.
I don't want to go off topic, but I must say that if you have even the least little bit of technical D.I.Y. ability, it is very easy to run Mac OS on non-apple hardware these days. Of course, there are licensing issues...
It's fairly easy to build a 'hackintosh' if you understand how to build a computer and the differences between windows and OS X. I've done it before a couple times, and I'll tell you right now that it's not worth it, you might as well just stick with building a windows tower, or Boot Camp. Hackintoshes almost never work as well as their apple-made counterparts - this is because a lot of apple's internal hardware is proprietary, i.e. structured to specifically work with OS X's architecture. You have to buy specific motherboards with specific chipset sizes, specific chipsets, specific GPUs, it goes on and on. If you want windows and OS X capability, just install Boot Camp, it's fucking LEAGUES easier and cheaper to put windows on a drive partition that way.
this is 100% not true if you build them with compatible hardware, coming from someone who has owned a mac pro and built 2 hackintoshes

I should've stated 'in my experience'. The hackintoshes I built were built back during the days of OS X 10.4 and intel architecture, it was a fair asspain to work with in the beginning and we never seemed to get them to work quite as well as a genuine mac. At any rate, when you buy mac, you buy their hardware and service. When you build mac, you buy any hardware and mostly self-service. It all depends on your experience/preferences.
Will this mac really serve me better than a much better PC?

I had the same "talks" 3+ years ago when I bought my Mac pro. It still has the original OS install and no performance issues at all. Never any issues with hardware etc.
Yes they are lots of money. So are good guitars, good amps, good mics etc.

I'm sure you will have lots of fun mate and your friend will have replaced his pc at least once in the time you have owned this mac ;)
Haven't wanted to even see a PC since I switched to Mac like 8 years ago. You will be completely fine and not regret the move. Don't listen to your friend, he's just jealous. (kidding, sort of)
it just depends, had good and bad times with both systems, I would love to own a iMac for my graphic design
stuff and so on and it just looks way more pro ;)
but at the same time, my pcs never failed on me as long as they were only mine-back than I was living with my
parents and they used the same pc, it fucked up every 3-5 months (3 pcs). Worked at a graphic design agency
for some time, pretty professionell, they work for mercedes and so on, and all their Macs had some issues from
time to time, the 2 pcs they owned never failed.

In my experience, 90% of the issues that happen are based on the user and humans are dumb enough to fuck
both systems up :D
A friend of mine has his macbook running for like 2 years imho, without rebooting, it's just on (rendering 3d stuff
during the night most of the time) but my dad for example still runs a pc with windows 2.0 since 21 years or so
and that pc is on for 8-9 hours per day-seems pretty reliable.
I'd now rather buy a Mac with less power for the same price as a PC, because it's just worth the money.

My last laptop was an asus. Crashed the first day after 2 hours. Took 1 month for these morons to repair it. Crashed again. Again 2 weeks, worked again after that. Then 5 months later the fan died. 2 year later the CPU died and I sold it for 100

Edit : I wrote a long post but it somewhat deleted itself.

In a nutshell : you will not regret your purchase but will only feel it in a few months.

+1 to the user factor being the no1 reason why the system fucks up. Here and there I have to google a few solutions to work around some problems, but my mother wouldn't be able to, nor even understand or recognize how or why it's buggy. I've had an XP installed for 3 years once and removed it only to install vista, while she would have here and there the need to reinstall it (mainly cause she doesn't clean it religiously). With a little luck the hardware causes no problem, and some common sense fixes most problems.

About stability, a few years ago, the record was held by a SunOS PC with something like 5 years without a single bug or crash. Doing nothing of course :)
some people are just not able to work with computers, no matter what kind of system, my brother for example
who's just 3 years older than me, is going to be a dentist in a few months has absolutely no clue about pcs.
surfs with internet explorer 8, deletes firefox without knowing, get's a virus warning and just turns the anti-virus
program off...
like I said, most of the problems are user based, I am not a Mac or PC fanboi at all, both are just tools for me.
if it's easier for you to work with a Mac-get one, if you want a PC-get one, that's it imho.
A good friend of mine who studies programming and computer science owns 5 pcs, 2 linux pcs, Ipad, Iphone,
Android Phone and a Mac Mini-everything working pretty well because he knows how to work with it, actually
one of the pcs is like a 4 year old cheapass (250€ new) laptop that still works fine and he uses it everyday at