Got the new Rhapsody today...

Apr 2, 2003
Los Angeles, CA, USA
I gotta say the Dark Secret mini-album is pretty damn sweet. For all of you guys who don't like cheese, you might as well steer clear. But it looks like they've improved upon their songwriting a lot - they don't seem to be using that same old formula the last few albums were filled with.

"Sacred Power of Raging Winds" has a huge instrumental section that could even be called prog. The symphonic stuff is top-notch; there is a LOT more of it in these songs than on the other albums. And the guitar solos aren't those same 3 licks that Luca always used to play - he rips it up pretty well. My only complaint is that except for the solos, the guitar's way down in the mix.

Just thought I'd let people know I enjoyed it, since there are like 2 or 3 Rhapsody fans here.
Hahaha... Yeah he bends during a little baroque interlude I'm pretty sure.

Compared to earlier releases, I dunno. It's VERY symphonic, so that reminds me of Enchanted Lands. Sometimes the song styles remind me of their first one, and it's really heavy like Dragonflame. It could really be called a mix of all of their albums.

More info - the video for "Unholy Warcry" is surprisingly good, considering their other videos. But there's a bigass intro narration by Christopher Lee on this track, and not on a separate one, so it gets annoying quickly. It's easy to tell the drums weren't triggered this time - they sound more organic. And I don't think any of the symphonic stuff was keyboard. The DVD with it shows some of the recording of the orchestra which was really cool. The production sounds a lot more "real" for these songs, it's really good.

There's a song with black metal vocals, but it sounds almost exactly like "When Demons Awake."
you know , I actually heard the EP today and I have been into Rhapsody A lot a while ago. But I don't know , it just doesn't seem to kick ass as much then when I heard
"Holy Thunderforce" for the first time.

And those "Black Metal Vocals" are just Fabio trying to sound really evil by putting this growl on his voice , I still think he shouldn't be doing that.
JESUS! Why do so many very musically talented bands (Blind Guardian, Manowar, Iced Earth, Rhapsody, and to some extent, even Symphony X) have to have such cheesy vocals? Symphony X almost always impress me with everything they do, but the others constantly let me down with their cheese subject matter. I can't count how many times I hear an excellent Rhapsody song, full of great music and great vocal melodies, only to read the lyrics and find that they are about a magical forest of unicorns or mystic elves of the final apacolyptic doom warrior's pride (?). For God's sake, cease this madness!
Maybe... I know that Blind Guradian and Rhapsody have had some pretty piss poor lyrics, but I fault that to their grasp (or lack thereof) of the English language. Favourite line (from "Nightfall" by Blind Guardian)- "Vala, he is that what's you've said". I don't get it.
What I meant, however, was not the quality of the lyrics. I was talking about the subject matter. Sometimes it is tolerable, but I almost barfed after checking the CD booklet for "Power of the Dragonflame" by Rhapsody when I found that it contained a MAP to the world they made up and a story. If I wanted a fantasy story, I'd go to the library. When I buy a CD, I want MUSIC!
I'm definitely looking forward to it, since Rhapsody is one of my favorite bands.

On a Rhapsody sidenote, I found 'Dawn Of Victory' the other day in a used record store. Man, what a find! Who would sell such a magnificent album?!
What I meant, however, was not the quality of the lyrics. I was talking about the subject matter. Sometimes it is tolerable, but I almost barfed after checking the CD booklet for "Power of the Dragonflame" by Rhapsody when I found that it contained a MAP to the world they made up and a story.
Some people like the subject matter. I happen to think it's pretty cool. It's a big fantasy epic, which can be fun, and some bitchin' symphonic metal to flesh out the story with passion and power - what's not to like? I get tired of hearing people rag on Rhapsody and BG. If you don't like fantasy, don't buy the fuckin' album, it's not hard to tell what it's gonna be about by looking at the cover. I, for one, really respect what Rhapsody's done. It's like they've taken the concept album to a whole new level, and done their own thing with it. That's what I like about these guys, they're very unique, more than just a power metal band.

If I wanted a fantasy story, I'd go to the library. When I buy a CD, I want MUSIC!
Um... last time I checked, Dragonflame had about an hour or more of music. Whether it's good or not is a matter of opinion, but it's hard to deny the talent in "Gargoyles."
I agree with OfSinsAndShred: Fantasy themes can enhance the listening experience if you allow it to. If everybody looked at LOTR as impossible and unrealistic because there is no such thing as hobbits, dwarves, elves, etc., it would have been a terrible failure.

People who went to the movies allowed themselves to be immersed into the fantasy world and treat it like it was real; its called imagination. Same thing with reading a fantasy book; you use your imagination.

Rhapsody must be the kings of fantasy themes. If I understand this correctly, they are structuring all of their albums around this world and story. If you allow yourself to be emersed in it, I'm sure its outstanding. So far, the only thing i've heard from rhapsody was the unholy warcry video. I was quite impressed with the musicianship, but as usual, I couldn't understand what he was singing about (thus the need for the map :p).
Also, people need to stop whining about the Rhapsody's fantasy lyrics. Take away all the vocals. Now, what other lyrics would be appropriate for Rhapsody's brand of overly-symphonic speed metal? Singing about love? Angst? Sex? Drugs? The Man keeping people down? Cryptic shit that nobody understands?

Nah, I think fantasy lyrics are the only appropriate lyrical style for Rhapsody and other power metal bands. It suits the larger-than-life style of the music.
I agree that rhapsody mostly has cheesy lyrics but blind guardian ,symphonyx. noway
just because they mostly talk abouth dragons,elves,swords,dark and evil stuff... doesnt mean thay have to be cheesy as a matter of fact blind guardian has very deep lyrics.Its the lyrics it self rather then the subject that makes a band lyrics cheesy or not